Chapter 29

"Rohan, can I join you on this mission? I'm so sorry that I've wronged you in the past!" Yash's voice was earnest, filled with a genuine desire for redemption.

"Hey, Yash! It's okay. Shit happens, and it's completely normal. By the way, Shivina had sent me her location for me!" I replied, trying to maintain a sense of calm amidst the urgency.

"How did you know it was her?" Abhi interjected, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Abhi, she always sent me 'thiranga' whenever something's important or dangerous, ever since her father tried to kidnap her once," I explained, memories of Shivina's past struggles weighing heavily on my mind.

"Then, what are you guys waiting for? Let's go there and save her before Sharad does something to her!" Yash urged, his voice filled with determination.

With Yash's urging, everyone left the base to save Shivina. It was a kind of appealing change for Yash as he supported Sharad, feeling pity for him at the time.

After my reply angered Sharad, he started to act like a madman and began to misbehave with Shivina. By the time I arrived there, it was slightly late, and he tried to strip her naked while she held onto her clothes tighter.

"How the hell did you manage to find her?" I demanded, my voice laced with anger and concern.

"Shivina, I'm so proud of you. You've proven that you tend to be smarter than that asshole. What Sharad? Can't understand what's going on?" Yash remarked, a mix of admiration and disdain in his tone.

"What the hell? How were you able to trace her?" Abhi questioned, his confusion mirroring my frustration.

"You always had a bird-sized brain. Your kidnappers left the phone right next to her, and Shivina shared her code name and the location, and I'm here now to save my girl!" I declared, my voice resolute with determination.

Hearing this, Sharad went crazy until he stripped Shivina naked. Luckily, I covered her body with my jacket, upholding her honor and dignity. She begged and cried for Sharad not to do this, but he went too far. Abhi brought her out and lent her some of my t-shirts to wear, and she quickly changed herself.

I was shocked at what had happened to her. I knew Sharad was a bastard, but I never thought he could do this to her. Enraged, I beat him to a pulp, my face contorted with anger as I delivered justice.

"Hey, I hope you're okay?! I need you to do something right now; I need you to file a complaint against Sharad and don't worry your name will get out. I'll take care of the rest," Abhi's urgent voice echoed in my ears, pulling me back from the whirlwind of emotions.

As I started proceeding with the complaint against Sharad with Abhi's help, an immediate inquiry was arranged by the discipline committee. I was enraged by his actions and determined to get him punished no matter what. Right after knowing that his son was arrested for assaulting a girl, his father made a grand entry to the base, even though he was treated with the best bio services without feeling ashamed of his son's vile deed.

I locked myself in my cabin and reeled from the shock.

"How dare you arrest my son? Who gave a complaint against my son? Do you know who I am?" Sharad's father bellowed, his voice dripping with entitlement.

"Sir, we've received a complaint from the victim herself, and it's our job to proceed with the complaint," I replied firmly, my tone unwavering in the face of Sharad's father's aggression.

"I'll prove my son's innocence to everyone. Where's the girl who made a complaint about him?!" Sharad's father demanded, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Whoa, chill man! Why do you want to see her so badly? To threaten her so that your son comes out clean? Everyone here knows how corrupted you are. It's just they're afraid of speaking, while I'm not. As for the girl, you'll see her during the inquiry commission, so have patience!" I retorted, my voice filled with defiance.

"ROHAN!!! How dare you speak to me like that? Once the inquiry is finished, I'll have you thrown out of the army," Sharad's father threatened, his face turning red with fury.

"We'll see that too, and I would like to see how you would prove your son's innocence," I replied with a hint of mockery, walking away from Sharad's father, whose eyes were burning with anger.

He was so determined to prove his son innocent even though he was at fault; he tried to bribe the inquiry officers, but they proved themselves to have integrity. The inquiry started, and I brought Shivina to the room, comforting her to speak the truth to the officers; I promised to be with her throughout the inquiry.

The inquiry commission ordered me to undergo some medical tests to provide evidence of Sharad's assault. The tension in the room was suffocating as I awaited the results, praying they would validate my truth. When the medical tests finally came back, proving that I wasn't lying, a wave of relief washed over me, loosening the grip of fear that had clenched my heart.

"Can you tell us exactly what happened?" the officer's voice broke the silence, his tone both gentle and probing, urging me to relive the nightmare.

"It was... terrifying," I began, my voice quivering with suppressed emotions. "He... he tried to..." I struggled to find the words, feeling Rohan's steady presence beside me, his grip on my hand offering silent reassurance.

"And then what happened?" the officer pressed, his pen poised expectantly over the paper, awaiting every detail.

"Yash... he saw everything," I whispered, my gaze flickering to Yash, gratitude flooding my heart for his unwavering support. "He can testify. He knows the truth."

As the inquiry concluded, the commission ruled in my favor, handing down a sentence that brought a semblance of justice. Sharad's fate was sealed with a five-year jail term and dismissal from the army services. Tears welled in my eyes, a mixture of relief and sorrow as Sharad's father stood there, his facade of pride crumbling beneath the weight of his son's disgrace.

Before Sharad was led away, I approached him, needing closure despite the pain still raw within me.

"Even though you were a monster, I thought you were not a vile person," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, a bittersweet blend of sorrow and forgiveness lacing my words. "Hope you'll get some sense during the punishment and repent for the mistakes you've made all this while. Goodbye!"

With those final words, I turned away, emotions swirling within me like a tempest. Seeking solace, I fled outside, the rain offering a cleansing release for the storm raging inside me. It was Rohan who found me, his comforting presence a beacon of light amidst the darkness.

"Are you okay, Shivina?" Rohan's voice was soft, filled with genuine concern as he enveloped me in his protective embrace.

"I'm... I'm just letting it all out," I confessed, finding solace in his warmth as I leaned into him. "It's... it's finally over."

Together, we made our way home, the weight of the ordeal slowly lifting from my shoulders with each step.

"I made myself a bit clumsier, didn't I?" I managed a weak chuckle, finding comfort in Rohan's reassuring presence as we braced ourselves for whatever challenges lay ahead, united in facing the uncertainties of the future, together.

But our respite was short-lived as Sharad's father made an unexpected visit, catching me in a vulnerable moment, asleep in the middle of the hall.

“I’m here to meet Shivina and not you, can you call her out?” Mr. Khanna’s voice echoed in the silent night, breaking the tranquility.

Rohan, taken aback by his audacity, retorted, “Even now you’re bossing around! Hell forbids you to meet her. Get out of here!” His voice was filled with anger and resentment.

Rohan’s angry roar woke me up. Rubbing my eyes, I peered out to see what the fuss was about. I was shocked to see Sharad’s father standing there, his face stern and unyielding.

“Mr.Khanna! What are you doing here on this night?!” I asked, my voice trembling with surprise and fear.

“Well, I’m here to meet you, and Rohan was stopping me from visiting you,” he replied, his voice calm and composed.

“Why do you want to visit me?” I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

“I’m sorry for what my son did to you and I hope you can forgive him by withdrawing the complaint you gave on him,” he said, his voice filled with regret and remorse.

I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves. “Okay, I’ll let go of this and withdraw the complaint but I’ll never forgive your son. I hope that you teach your male kids how to treat women and give respect to them,” I said, my voice firm and resolute.

Rohan, who had been silent till now, finally spoke up. “Hey, have you lost it? How could you do that?” he asked, his voice filled with disbelief and shock.

“I’m just tired of holding on to this waste revenge type of emotions. I don’t want revenge. I want justice,” I replied, my voice steady and determined.

Rohan sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Okay, you’ll do things in the way you see fit and I’ll help you with all my might,” he said, his voice filled with understanding and support.

I smiled at him, grateful for his support. “Thank you for understanding me!” I said, my heart filled with gratitude and relief.

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