Chapter 28


Sharad found himself in his room, his memories slowly piecing themselves back together like a fractured puzzle. Regret washed over him as he recalled the events of the previous night. He rushed downstairs for breakfast, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of meeting me.

Yash, ever observant, raised an eyebrow at Sharad's rushed demeanor. "Off to see her again, are you?"

Sharad's response was laden with sorrow. "Yeah, Yash. I messed up... big time."

Yash's voice was firm. "You need to stop this, Sharad. You're fixating on her, and it's not healthy."

"But I loved her, Yash. And now she's with him," Sharad's words were tinged with bitterness.

"She's become an obsession for you," Yash countered.

Determined, Sharad insisted, "I have to try and win her back!"

Yash's tone turned urgent. "You're not thinking clearly. Promise me you won't go near her again when you're drunk, or Abhi will knock some sense into you!"

But Sharad was already gone, his mind set on rectifying his mistake.

Meanwhile, as I drove with Shivina beside me, I couldn't shake off the weight of the previous night's events. Sensing my troubled state, Shivina nudged me gently. "Hey, cheer up! Let's grab something to eat at the canteen."

As we entered the canteen, Sharad's presence immediately caught my attention. Motioning for Shivina to find a table, I approached Sharad, needing to have a private conversation away from her.

"What the hell are you doing, Rohan?!" Sharad's voice was sharp with irritation.

I remained composed. "We need to talk, away from her. That's why I brought you here."

"I don't want to talk to you, so buzz off!" Sharad snapped.

My resolve hardened. "Shivina and I are officially in a relationship. I hope you won't cause any more drama like yesterday."

Sharad's pride took a hit, and he vowed silently to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his.

"You act like she belongs to you now, Rohan, but she was never yours," Sharad seethed.

"I didn't take anything from you, especially not Shivina," I countered firmly. "Stay away from her, Sharad, or you'll face consequences you can't even imagine."

Sharad's gaze turned steely. "I'm not afraid. I'll make her mine, mark my words."

"Let's see you try," I challenged him.

As Sharad and I exchanged heated words, I noticed a feeling of guilt creeping over Shivina. I couldn’t help but wonder if our tensions were solely because of her. Was she truly the cause of our friendship crumbling before her eyes?

Sharad took a seat at our table, but Shivina instinctively moved closer to me, seeking solace in my presence. I smiled in response to her action, hoping to offer a flicker of reassurance amidst the brewing storm.

“Hey, I just remembered I’ve got to report to the summit at the dean’s table. Will you catch up with me later?” Shivina asked me, hoping for a moment of normalcy amidst the chaos.

“Of course, take care. If you run into any trouble, don’t hesitate to let me know,” I replied, my concern for her palpable.

“Sure thing. You take care too,” she returned my smile, though I could tell her mind was already racing with worry.


Seeking refuge from the mounting tension, Shivina hurried to her cabin, hoping to bury herself in her work. However, her attempt at distraction was short-lived when she found Sharad waiting for her, an unexpected bouquet in hand.

“What are you doing here?” she stuttered, startled by his sudden appearance.

Sharad, with a smirk on his face, replied, “Just thought we could have a little celebration.”

Before she could react, he grabbed her, silencing her scream as he dragged her into a waiting car. Panic surged through her as she realized the gravity of the situation, surrounded by masked figures and uncertainty.

As the car’s relentless journey eventually halted, she was thrust into a bleak environment, the air heavy with foreboding. As the bag was pulled from her head, revealing the grim reality of her predicament, a kidnapper’s voice pierced the silence.

“Listen up, girl. You’re here because of Sharad. We’re offering you a chance to reconsider. Dump Rohan and be with Sharad, or face the consequences,” the threat hung in the air like a sinister promise.

She trembled at the ultimatum, the weight of Sharad’s betrayal settling heavily upon her. “Is this what you call love, Sharad?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, Yash’s shock was palpable as he confronted Sharad. “Oh my god! Do you realize what you’ve done? Rohan won’t rest until he finds you,” he exclaimed, grappling with the gravity of the situation.

Sharad’s response was disconcertingly calm. “Yeah, I know. But support me for once, okay? This is about love,” he urged, masking the depths of his obsession beneath a veneer of composure.

Yash’s concern mirrored Shivina’s own silent prayers for rescue. “What you’re doing is wrong, damn it! Let her go! Rohan will come for you,” he pleaded, his desperation evident.

Sharad’s frustration boiled over as he lashed out. “When did you suddenly become his devoted puppet?” he accused, his tone sharp with frustration.

Yash’s rebuttal was swift, his voice trembling with worry about the consequences of their confrontation. “Ever since you tried to screw his mission by letting go of Umar Faruq! You’ve lost it, Sharad! I’m done with you!”

As Yash mulled over his options, the weight of the situation pressed down on all of them. “How am I gonna help that poor girl? I have to see Rohan!” he muttered, his concern etched on his face.

Meanwhile, Shivina’s anxiety mounted as she paced around the cell, her mind consumed by thoughts of escape and rescue. The claustrophobic walls seemed to close in on her, intensifying her sense of urgency. “I need to get out of here,” she whispered to herself.

At the same time, Yash’s mind buzzed with worry and determination as he grappled with the situation. “We have to do something. We can’t just sit here,” he muttered to himself, his brow furrowed with concern.

Sharad’s facade of calm cracked under the weight of his desperation. “This is about love, Yash. Can’t you understand that?” he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation.

But Yash shook his head in disbelief. “Love? This is obsession, Sharad. You’re risking everything for your selfish desires.”

With tension escalating between them, Shivina’s fear mounted. “How long until Rohan finds me?” she wondered, her heart racing with anxiety. “I have to stay strong,” she told herself, steeling her resolve.

Chapter: Unraveling Shadows

My concern for Shivina deepened, a growing sense of unease settling over me like a shroud. Suspicions of Sharad's involvement in her disappearance gnawed at me, driving me to search her cabin fruitlessly.

"Hey Neha, have you seen Shivina?" I asked urgently.

"She went to her cabin to retrieve a scan report," Neha replied casually.

"That's strange. I just checked her cabin; she wasn't there," I observed, concern heightening.

A surge of realization hit me upon discovering a concealed CCTV camera in Shivina's cabin. Rushing to the control room, I meticulously reviewed the footage, confirming my worst fears - Sharad was kidnapping Shivina.

Determined to rescue her, I sought out Yash, despite our strained relationship.

"Abhi, can I speak to Yash urgently?" I requested.

"Why the rush? You know Yash and Sharad aren't on good terms, especially after Shivina's birthday incident," Abhi cautioned.

"Shivina's been kidnapped by Sharad. Yash might be our only hope. Please, I need to talk to him," I implored.

We hurried to Yash's cabin, finding him visibly shocked by recent events.

"Rohan, I was just about to come to your cabin. Have you heard about what Sharad did?" Yash asked, concern etched in his voice.

"Yeah, I know. He's kidnapped Shivina," I confirmed grimly.

"He's even boasting about it," Yash added, frustration evident in his tone.

"I need your help with this," I stated firmly.

"Of course. What do you need?" Yash responded, ready to assist.

"Are you aware of any of his secret hideouts? We need to find Shivina," I inquired, already formulating a plan to rescue her.

Back in the base, My determination burned brighter than ever. "We have to find her. We can't waste any time," I declared, rallying my comrades to action.

With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher, and the race against time intensified. The fate of Shivina hung in the balance, as the relentless pursuit of love clashed with the bonds of friendship.

Meanwhile, I tried to see any possible ways for my escape. They left the door unlocked. How stupid are they if they're trying to kidnap someone? They should at least do it right!! I slowly opened the door and snuck out. I walked outside and saw a cell phone. First, I thought to run away from that halt and I was stranded mid of nowhere to go. So, I quickly used the phone and left a message with the code name 'thiranga' and shared the location with Rohan's number.

As I dialed the number, my heart raced with a mix of fear and hope. The phone rang and rang until finally, Rohan picked up.

"Shivina? Is that you?" Rohan's voice was urgent, tinged with concern.

"Yeah, Rohan, it's me. I'm in trouble. Sharad... he..." I whispered, fear gripping my voice.

"'Thiranga'?" Rohan's voice was calm, but I could sense the tension in his words.

"Yeah, 'Thiranga.' Please, Rohan, you have to do something," I pleaded, desperation evident in my tone.

"I'm coming for you, Shivina. Just hold on," Rohan assured me before hanging up.

I quickly hid the phone under the bushes so that they wouldn't be able to find the phone. I was hoping that Rohan would see the message and do something.

Suddenly, footsteps approached, and I tensed, ready to face Sharad and his goons once again. Sharad and his fellow puppets came back to ask my decision.

"So, what have you decided, Shivina? Better make a wise choice because not even your dear boyfriend can trace this place. It's gonna be him or me?" Sharad's voice was menacing, filled with a twisted sense of control.

"Looks like you've proven out the truth which was told by uncle. I thought I was deluded into misunderstanding but you did make me realize that I've made the correct choice?" I retorted, trying to mask my fear with defiance.

"Oh really, see even you wanna be with me and it's just you were super confused at the moment?" Sharad smirked, his arrogance palpable.

"Hey, don't think so high of you okay? The correct choice I meant was Rohan and not you!" I shot back, my voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Sharad's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "You think you're smart, don't you? But remember, Shivina, you're in my territory now. You play by my rules."

"I'll never play by your rules, Sharad. You don't own me," I declared, defiance lacing my words.

"Enough of this nonsense," Sharad snapped, gesturing to his goons. "Take her back to the cabin. We'll deal with her later."

As they dragged me away, I held onto a sliver of hope, trusting in Rohan to come to my rescue.

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