Chapter 27

As I left the hospital, Rohan's request lingered in my mind. "Shivi, after you finish your half-day, can you go to Abhi's house as I have things to handle? You can come back with Abhi and Ashwini," he had instructed me, his expression tense with an underlying worry that didn't escape my notice.

"Okay sure, but what's going on? You don't look good. Is something wrong?" I probed, concerned about my friend's well-being.

"Nothing, it's just some paperwork driving me nuts," Rohan replied, though his words lacked conviction, leaving me with a nagging sense that he wasn't telling me the whole truth.

Despite his assurances, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss as I made my way to my cabin. However, any concerns were soon forgotten as I was greeted by a chorus of "happy birthday" from my colleagues. Surprised and touched, I thanked them, feeling a warm sense of belonging wash over me.

With the day being my birthday, I had a half-day for my job, and I began packing up my things to leave the hospital. Yet, the curious looks shot my way by some of my colleagues only added to the unease brewing within me.

Abhi, ever the dependable friend, was waiting outside the hospital to pick me up. As we drove away, I couldn't resist sharing my worries with him.

"Hey Abhi, do you mind if I ask you something?" I ventured, turning to him as we navigated through the bustling streets.

"Yeah sure, what's troubling you?" he responded, his tone gentle and reassuring.

"Rohan... he didn't seem himself this morning. He was really worked up with some paperwork. Do you know anything about his secret mission?" I asked, hoping for some clarity from my friend.

"Normally secret missions can't be shared with anyone, even if he's my best friend. It's one of the army's unwritten rules," Abhi explained, his expression serious.

"Oh, I see. I thought maybe he confided in you about it. I won't bother him then," I replied, my curiosity piqued but respecting Rohan's privacy.

As we bantered back and forth, Abhi pulled up to his house, bringing our conversation to a halt. Ashwini greeted me with a warm smile as I stepped out of the car, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as she welcomed me inside.

"Hi Shivi, Happy birthday year! C'mon, hop in!" Ashwini exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

"Thank you, meri jaan!" I replied, returning her warm greeting before stepping inside their home. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Abhi's house was surprisingly neat, defying the stereotypes of what a bachelor's home should look like.

I spent the afternoon with Ashwini, enjoying each other's company as we engaged in various activities. From making wishes and tossing coins into a well to gossiping about the army guys, every moment was filled with laughter and joy. We even indulged in some Kashmiri chai, savoring its rich flavor and warmth.

As evening approached, I began gathering my things to head home, but Ashwini had other plans.

"Where are you going? Supposedly Abhi's the one who should bring you back," Ashwini protested, her tone playful yet insistent.

"Yeah, I know, but I don't want to disturb him," I replied, hesitating slightly.

"Listen gorgeously, today's your birthday, and you've been wearing a saree since the morning. You should wear something nice; make sure to wear the dress, it suits you well, and we have a surprise for you," Ashwini insisted, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"What surprise?!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my curiosity.

"Me and Abhi, of course, have a gift for you, and now I'm gearing you up like a bride!" Ashwini declared, her grin widening as she pulled out a beautiful gown.

After a while of getting ready, I stood in front of the mirror, feeling like a princess in the stunning gown Ashwini had chosen for me. Despite my excitement, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but I pushed it aside, eager to see what surprise awaited me.

As the lights flickered on, revealing the colorful decorations and the eager faces of my loved ones, a gasp escaped my lips. Dad, Yash, Abhimanyu—all of them were there, along with a crowd of friends and colleagues. The warmth of their presence enveloped us, but I couldn't shake off the nagging absence of Sharad. His unexpected no-show cast a shadow over the festivities, leaving me with a sense of unease amidst the joyous atmosphere.

"Wow! This so beautiful!" She exclaimed, a mixture of astonishment and gratitude in my voice as I surveyed the scene before me.

"Surprise indeed! Happy Birthday, beautiful cupcake," I chimed in, holding out her favorite chocolate cake with a mischievous grin.

"Thank you!" Shivina beamed, her eyes sparkling with delight as she accepted the cake, her cheeks flushing with happiness.

As the party unfolded and laughter filled the air, I couldn't help but notice the whispers and curious glances directed our way. It seemed that everyone was buzzing with curiosity about us, which only added to the excitement of the evening.

Taking Shivina aside for a moment, I wanted to express my appreciation for her role in making this day so special.

"Thank you for everything. Seriously, you've made this day unforgettable," Shivina whispered, her words laced with genuine gratitude.

"Don't thank me," I replied, a soft smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "It's my pleasure to make you happy."

Feeling a surge of courage, I decided to seize the moment and make an announcement that had been weighing on my mind.

"Attention, everyone!" I called out, my voice ringing out above the chatter. "I have something important to say."

As all eyes turned to me, I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment.

"I know many of you have been wondering about the changes in me lately," I began, my gaze lingering on Shivina, who stood beside me, her eyes filled with anticipation. "Well, the truth is, it's all because of her. Shivina has been my rock, my inspiration. She's the one who's brought joy and meaning back into my life. So, without further ado, I want to announce that Shivina and I are officially together. She's not just my partner; she's the love of my life."

The room erupted into cheers and applause, and I felt a swell of pride and happiness wash over me. This was a moment I would treasure forever. As the party wound down and guests began to depart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. This had truly been a birthday to remember.

"Shivina, I'm going to freshen up. Why don't you help out with Ashwini?" I suggested, eager to steal a few more moments alone with her before the night came to an end

"That's the plan. Well, I've kept your dress on the bed," Shivina's mischievous tone echoed in my ears.

I chuckled, anticipating the surprise she had concocted. "Can't wait to see what you've picked out."

Heading to the washroom to freshen up, I mentally prepared myself for the post-party cleanup. Joining Ashwini in the task, we shared laughter and banter, relishing the bond of friendship.

Abruptly, Abhi's urgent voice pierced through the air. "Hey, did you hear that? Someone's breaking flower pots outside."

Frowning, I exchanged a concerned glance with Ashwini before following Abhi outside to investigate.

"Sharad, what the hell are you doing here?" Abhi's exasperated tone reverberated as he confronted the unexpected visitor.

"He-heh-hehe, I'm gonna have to r-b-g-t-" Sharad's slurred speech barely made sense as he struggled to maintain balance.

"Oh god, you stink! How much did you drink?" Abhi wrinkled his nose in disgust at the intoxicated Sharad.

"I want to talk to Shivina, call her NOW!" Sharad demanded, his words disjointed and garbled.

Hearing the commotion, I rushed outside to assess the situation. My heart sank as I witnessed Abhi grappling with the drunken mess that was Sharad.

"What's going on? Why is he here now? What does he want?" I asked, frustration creeping into my voice.

"Well, he demands to talk with you! I had no idea what was going on, actually," Abhi explained, his expression a mix of confusion and irritation.

"Why does he always cause a fuss after he's completely drunk?" I sighed, feeling exasperated by the recurring scenario.

"Maybe he wants to muster up the courage to talk to you, so he took this way?!" Abhi suggested, offering a plausible explanation.

"Can you just send him away, please?" Ashwini pleaded, feeling overwhelmed by the unexpected interruption.

"Okay, I've called Yash," I announced firmly, determined to diffuse the situation.

A short while later, Yash arrived, visibly annoyed as he dealt with Sharad's antics.

"Rohan, and Abhi! Please forgive him. I'm just so annoyed with his pathetic behavior," Yash apologized, his frustration palpable.

Exchanging a weary glance with Abhi, I silently hoped that Sharad would soon realize the gravity of his actions and seek the help he needed.

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