Chapter 24

But, Abhi had noticed that something was off beforehand.

"Rohan, we need to talk," Abhi said, his tone serious as he approached me.

"Yeah, what is it?" I replied, turning to face Abhi with a curious expression.

"Where did you guys go? Why did you leave Dhivya with sir?" Abhi inquired, his brow furrowing with concern.

"It's a long story! Shivi was kidnapped by her father. So, I had to ensure Dhivya's safety. That's why..." I began explaining, recounting the events that led to our current situation.

"Why did her father kidnap her? I don't understand. Tell me everything!" Abhi demanded, his eyes widening in disbelief as he listened to my account.

I answered Abhi's questions, delving into the details of Shivi's past and her father's grudge against her. Abhi was stunned by the revelations, but he understood the gravity of the situation and vowed to protect Shivi and Dhivya and keep the secret for everyone's well-being. After Shivi's kidnapping, we found closure, but my demeanor began to change subtly whenever Shivi was around. I grew more secretive and spent more time with my dad and Abhi, discussing matters with a seriousness that hadn't been present before.

"Dad, I'm planning to propose to her and make her mine forever," I announced, determination shining in my eyes as I spoke to my father.

"That's good! Go for it, my boy," my father replied, a proud smile gracing his lips at my declaration.

"Rohan, whatever you do, make sure to do it fast because I'm gonna go crazy with your love story," Abhi teased, nudging me playfully.

"Why do I feel like you're meaning something else?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Abhi's remark.

"What he's trying to say?" my father inquired, glancing between Abhi and me with a quizzical expression.

"Dad, he's talking about the guy who never let me visit Cupcake at the hospital," Abhi interjected, providing context to my confusion.

"Uncle, that guy is a sadist. He used to be a playboy and suddenly changed himself into a devoted loving guy. That guy has given us a tough time in the past," I explained, my tone filled with disdain for the individual in question.

"So, son, you have competition. Don't let her go, no matter what," my father advised, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and determination.

"He has to rush the proposal plan for it," Abhi added, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

"Hey, that's my original plan in the first place," I protested, a playful grin tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Good, What are you waiting for?" Abhi urged, excitement evident in his voice as he encouraged me to take action.

"That was the reason I called you guys!" I exclaimed, realization dawning on me as I connected the dots.

"What?!!! Don't you tell me that you have no idea about the proposal!" Abhi exclaimed, disbelief written all over his face.

"Please, give me an idea!" I pleaded, turning to Abhi with puppy-dog eyes.

"Son, why don't you arrange a candlelight dinner and propose to her?" my father suggested, offering a simple yet romantic idea.

"Or you can bring her to the Kashmir hills as she likes mountains where you place a stand, decorate it, and make the world's best proposal?" Abhi proposed, his eyes gleaming with excitement at the prospect.

"Hmm, I think that I will send her the location to her favorite hill in Kashmir while I have the stand decorated with dinner and, of course, candle lights. Since she and I have a break tomorrow, I will do it tomorrow. What do you all think?" I asked, seeking validation from my companions.

"You are really in a hurry! Is this the Rohan I knew?" Abhi teased, chuckling at my eagerness.

"Go for it, son! She would love that for sure!" my father encouraged, pride evident in his voice.

"Wait, she's gotta be beautiful for her proposal. Lemme get Ashwini to get her dressed up!" Abhi suggested, already planning the details of the proposal in his mind.

"She's always beautiful for me with or without makeup," I emphasized, a fond smile playing on my lips as I thought of Shivi.

"Uhmm, Rohan! Can I crash sleep in your room if you don't mind?" I asked, seeking comfort amidst the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming proposal.

"No problem! Go and sleep well! Don't worry about your parents. The police will take care of it," Rohan reassured me before I left.

"Rohan, before the proposal itself!" Abhi mutter-smirked, imagining scenarios in his mind.

"Stop thinking nonsense, Abhi! She's just getting back to normal after visiting her trauma. And while she's sleeping in my room; I sleep on the couch!" I chuckled, giving Abhi a playful smack on the head for his dirty thoughts.

"A pure guy, getting kicked out from his room before marriage," Abhi whisper-joked.

"Shut up, Abhi! She's not! I'm wondering what Ashwini might say when you're pulling her dear sister's leg," I retorted, defending Ashwini's honor.

"Rohan, be a man! Don't you ever drag this to her! You're a heartless jerk, biatch!" Abhi remarked, feeling a bit offended.

"You asked for it! And now get the hell outta here," Rohan teased Abhimanyu cockily as I chased him playfully.

I went to sleep at Rohan's place that night as I couldn't sleep with that horrifying trauma.

"Of course, she will! Who could resist a proposal like yours?" Abhi reassured, clapping me on the back.

I chuckled nervously, trying to mask my jitters. "Thanks, Abhi. I appreciate the optimism."

Abhi grinned. "Anytime, buddy. Now, go get ready to sweep her off her feet."

With a nod, I turned to Shivi, my heart pounding with anticipation. "Are you ready for this?"

She took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"You've got this, man. She's going to be over the moon," I said, trying to bolster her confidence as much as my own, giving her a reassuring pat on the back.

She grinned back at me, and I felt a surge of determination. "Thanks, Rohan. I really hope so."

As we made our way to the chosen location for the proposal, Abhi couldn't resist throwing in some last-minute banter. "Remember, buddy, don't mess it up! This is your chance to shine."

I shot Abhi a playful glare, trying to mask my nerves with humor. "Thanks for the reminder, Captain Obvious."

Abhi chuckled, nudging me with his elbow. "Just making sure you're on your game, Romeo." His lighthearted teasing helped ease some of the tension swirling inside me as we approached the pivotal moment.

The next day started like any other, with me engrossed in my usual house chores when Ashwini suddenly appeared at my doorstep. Her excitement was palpable, and I couldn't resist probing for answers.

"What's up? Why the sudden visit?" I inquired, curiosity piqued by her mischievous grin.

"Oh, nothing much, Shivina," Ashwini replied, attempting to play it cool, though her grin betrayed her true intentions.

Despite her attempt at nonchalance, I sensed something was brewing, particularly seeing her telltale grin. Intrigued by the mystery, I decided to play along. Later that evening, my uncle arrived to take Dhivya to his place, leaving Ashwini and me with some unexpected free time.

As Ashwini insisted on helping me get dressed, her knowing smile only deepened my curiosity. Together, we made our way to the location Rohan had shared with me earlier in the day. Abhi awaited us at the foot of the mountain, offering words of encouragement as we began our ascent.

"Good luck!" Abhi wished us, his excitement was evident in his sparkling eyes.

Upon reaching the mountaintop, I was greeted by the sight of a beautifully arranged candlelit dinner, the romantic set up against the backdrop of the night sky stealing my breath away.

To my surprise, Rohan suddenly emerged, his presence filling me with a mix of nervousness and anticipation.

"Rohan! Oh my god! You look so handsome!" I exclaimed, taken aback by his charming appearance.

"You also looked ever gracefully beautiful!" Rohan's compliment warmed my heart.

Unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I finally asked, "What's going on?" as Rohan prepared to reveal his surprise.

"You bring out the best in me. You taught me the real meaning of love. You are someone who makes me feel safe, who makes me smile, who is there beside me no matter what. One look at your face sets my world straight! When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do. You are the one I wanted to find, to tell that I need you all my life, to confess to you that I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, EVEN THE PART YOU THINK SHAMEFUL AND DARK, and also to ask you will be MY WIFE, the love of my life?"

With heartfelt words, Rohan poured out his feelings, expressing his love and devotion to me in the most sincere way possible. His declaration left me speechless, and without hesitation, I embraced him tightly, sealing our love with a tender kiss.

"Should I take that as a YES?!" Rohan asked eagerly, hope gleaming in his eyes.

"YES!" I exclaimed joyfully, tears of happiness streaming down my cheeks.

In that moment, surrounded by love and the breathtaking scenery, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy. As we sat down to share a romantic dinner, I realized that sometimes, the best things in life are the ones we never saw coming, and I couldn't be more grateful for the unexpected turn of events that led me to this unforgettable moment with the man I loved.

As we strolled back home after our enchanting dinner, the air was filled with a sense of contentment and bliss. Anticipation bubbled within me, knowing that our friends and family awaited our return.

As soon as we stepped through the door, Abhi, Ashwini, and even Azad's uncle were there, practically bouncing with excitement.

"Shivi, what's with that smile plastered on your face? Spill the beans!" Abhi demanded eagerly, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Yeah, we want all the juicy details!" Ashwini chimed in, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Their barrage of questions overwhelmed me, leaving me feeling bashful and tongue-tied. With a shy grin, I retreated to my room, basking in the warmth of the memories of Rohan's heartfelt proposal. In that moment, I was filled with an indescribable happiness, one that surpassed any I had ever felt before.

"Rohan, spill the beans, mate! We want all the juicy details!" Abhi exclaimed, his eyes glinting mischievously as he leaned in eagerly.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Alright, alright. So, picture this..."

Before I could continue, Azad's uncle joined in, his curiosity piqued. "What's the big news, Rohan? You seem positively radiant."

"Oh, it's big news indeed! I proposed to Shivina, and she said yes!" I announced proudly, unable to contain my excitement.

Abhi's jaw practically dropped to the floor. "You proposed?! And she kissed you? Man, you're living the dream!"

"Yeah, I still can't believe it myself! But yeah, she kissed me!" I confirmed with a grin, relishing the memory.

Meanwhile, amidst our celebration, Sharad's jealousy was palpable, his bitterness threatening to sour the mood. He turned to the bottle, seeking solace in its numbing embrace.

Suddenly, the sound of shattering pottery shattered the air, drawing our attention. Abhi and I rushed to investigate, only to find Sharad wreaking havoc in his drunken stupor.

"Rohan, are you happy now? Must be nice!" Sharad's bitter words cut through the tension like a knife.

Trying to diffuse the situation, I approached him calmly. "Come on, Sharad. Let's talk this out."

But Sharad wasn't having it, his accusations flying like arrows. "You're a traitor! You stole her from me!"

Thankfully, Shivina stepped in to defend me, her words a shield against Sharad's anger. "Don't blame Rohan for my choices, Sharad. It was my decision to be with him."

Sharad's rage turned towards Shivina now. "And you're just going to protect him? Unbelievable!"

Not one to back down, I stood firm, refusing to let Sharad's bitterness tarnish our happiness. "Let's not make a scene. Abhi, could you help me out here?"

Abhi nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, Rohan. Yash will take care of it."

True to his word, Yash arrived shortly after to escort Sharad home, bringing an end to the chaos. With Sharad gone, we could finally breathe easy, ready to bask in the happiness of the evening's events once more.

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