Chapter 22

As Shivina continued her recovery, our bond deepened amidst adversity. We shared laughter, tears, and dreams for the future. Her strength inspired me to cherish every moment, reinforcing our love's endurance.

The days that followed were filled with laughter and tears, joy and sorrow, as we navigated the ups and downs of her recovery together. We shared our hopes and dreams, mapping our plans with newfound purpose and determination.

And through it all, my love for her grew stronger, a flame that burned bright even in the darkest times. She was my rock, my guiding light, the anchor that kept me grounded amidst the storm.

As we sat together one evening, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of gold and pink, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the world around us. And yet, amidst the splendor of nature, it was her—her smile, her laughter, her unwavering love—that truly took my breath away.

"Rohan," she called softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us, "thank you for never giving up on me."

I turned to her, my heart swelling with emotion. "Shivina, you don't have to thank me. I'd do anything for you, you know that."

She smiled, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from my face.

Shivina lay in the hospital bed, her eyes bright with newfound strength as she smiled weakly at me. "Rohan," she murmured, her voice still hoarse from days of disuse. "I'm so glad you're here."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I approached her bedside, taking her hand in mine. "I'm glad you're awake, Shivina. I've missed you so much."

She squeezed my hand gently, her gaze filled with unspoken gratitude. "I couldn't have made it through this without you, Rohan. You've been my rock."

The weight of her words settled over me, a profound sense of love and responsibility filling my heart. "I'll always be here for you, Shivina. No matter what."

As we sat together, enveloped in the warmth of our reunion, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, hand in hand. And with the unwavering support of friends like Anisha, Abhi, and Yash, I was certain that we could overcome anything that came our way.

"Ugh! Taking us home must have been exhausting for Rohan," I pondered silently as we arrived at Uncle and Aunt's house. The prospect of reuniting with family brought solace. Aunt performed the ritual to ward off evil eyes, a comforting tradition amidst the chaos. Finally, after days away, the warmth of home enveloped me.

"Rohan, you're a savior," Dhivya expressed with gratitude as she unloaded bags from the car.

I waved off her thanks, a faint smile forming. "It's nothing, Dhivya. A family looks out for each other, right?"

Rohan and Dhivya effortlessly assumed household chores, their efficiency a testament to their unwavering support. Rohan's culinary skills, especially his vegetable soup, left me impressed.

"Mmm, this soup is incredible, Rohan," I complimented, relishing its warmth.

Rohan beamed with pride. "Glad you enjoy it. It's a family recipe."

At that moment, savoring his cooking, I realized he was the second person, after my Bheem uncle, who had nurtured me back to health with unwavering love.

With each passing day, our bond only grew stronger, a tapestry woven with threads of laughter and tears, joy and sorrow. And as we faced the future together, hand in hand, I knew that no matter what trials awaited us, we would overcome them, guided by the unbreakable bond of love.

A few days later, I was discharged from the hospital and I realized that I should be at the hospital as a surgeon not as a patient, as my stay was a puking to me. It took me a month to heal from those stitches and inner wounds as I was previously shot as well. Sharad's absence from my home was somewhat of a relief.


Abhi came home with a wide grin on his face, hinting that something good had happened.

"Hey Abhi, what's up?" I asked, curious about his cheerful demeanor.

"It's an invitation to an army appreciation ceremony and party. Well, Rohan's receiving an honorable appreciation from our defense minister this time. You've got a special invitation," Abhi explained enthusiastically.

"OMG! Seriously?! Is he receiving the award?" I exclaimed, surprised by the news.

"He's receiving a prestigious army award! Don't worry! So, I want you to be there," Abhi reassured me.

"Okay, Abhi! Don't worry! I'll be there! See you soon! Bye!" I responded, excitement bubbling inside me.

True to my word, I got myself dressed in a blue saree and made my entrance. That was my second time joining such an occasion. All eyes were on me. Sharad seemed envious of Rohan, not just because he was getting an award before him, but also because of the attention I received.

"Look at Rohan, always stealing the spotlight," Sharad muttered under his breath, shooting daggers at Rohan's back.

His father was showing some lame face to everyone there at an official event. He was not happy with Rohan's progress. Everyone went to their respective seats.

Shortly after, the event began with the honorable defense minister's entry. Rohan was awarded, which made me happy. Probably happier than him.

"You deserved this, Rohan," I whispered as he walked up to receive his award.

After that, Abhi planned a small party just among his army colleagues.

"Hey Shivina, are you going to the hospital now?"

"Yes, is there anything I miss?"

"Nope, well I've planned a small party at the base office. I want you to be there. There's gonna be a lot of fun. I hope you don't miss it!"

"I'll be there, Abhimanyu. Don't worry!" I assured him back.

As I walked into the party venue, the sight of everyone, including the top brass of the army, caught me off guard. I never expected such a grand gathering. But what truly surprised me was seeing Rohan standing there in a navy blue suit that perfectly complemented my saree. The synchronicity made my heart skip a beat, and a rush of joy filled me.

"Rohan, you look stunning in that suit," I said, unable to contain my admiration.

He smiled, his eyes reflecting the same excitement. "Thank you, Cupcake. You look radiant in that saree."

Our exchange didn't go unnoticed, and soon whispers began to circulate among the guests.

"Did you see how they matched their outfits? It's like they planned it," one attendee whispered to another, casting furtive glances in our direction.

"Yeah, it's so obvious they're into each other," another person chimed in, their voice barely above a whisper but carrying the weight of certainty.

Amidst the murmurs, Rohan leaned closer to me, his voice low but filled with warmth. "Cupcake, I must admit, seeing you in this saree, it feels like fate has woven our paths together tonight."

I blushed, feeling a surge of emotions at his words. "Perhaps it has, Rohan. Perhaps it has."

The air around us crackled with a shared energy, and I couldn't help but notice the curious glances directed our way.

"Looks like we've become the talk of the party," I remarked with a playful smile.

Rohan chuckled softly. "Let them talk, Shivina. As long as we know the truth, their gossip doesn't matter."

Despite the hushed tones, the rumors began to spread like wildfire through the crowd. People exchanged knowing glances, speculating about the nature of our relationship. However, the truth was far simpler than they imagined. Rohan and I hadn't coordinated our outfits or planned anything of the sort.

Yet, the unintended harmony between us only added to the magic of the evening. Deep inside, amidst the buzz of gossip, I couldn't help but feel a sense of elation. The unspoken connection between Rohan and me was palpable, and it filled me with a warmth that no amount of speculation could diminish.

The party was beginning to take shape; the music by now could be heard clearly. People were getting into the groove, they were full of excitement, and promise. Even I danced with Rohan. Everyone looking forward to the holiday months, eager to have a good time. Everyone was enjoying themselves while I stood aside as I didn't want to get drunk. Slowly, everyone started going back home.

"Hey Shivina, can I ask you something?" Sharad approached me hesitantly.

"Yes Sharad, what's on your mind?" I responded, noticing the seriousness in his tone.

"If you're okay with it, I can drop you home," he offered.

"It's okay, Sharad. I'm going with Uncle. Thank you for asking," I replied, declining his offer politely.

After a few moments, I went home with my uncle. I never expected to see my aunt there, and Dhivya was at home too, sleeping while Rohan had just arrived.

"Okay Shivi, go and have some rest. We're leaving now. Take care, bye!" "Rohan, take care of my both girls okay?" Uncle told me while telling Rohan to take care of me and Dhivya.

"Okay sir!"

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