Chapter 19

Rohan's POV

As I rushed Shivina to the hospital, my heart pounded with fear and desperation, each beat echoing the urgency of the situation. "Please! Do something!" I pleaded with the attending doctor, my voice trembling with raw emotion, the weight of Shivina's life pressing down on me like a heavy burden.

The atmosphere in the hospital was charged with panic, and I searched desperately for any sign of hope. "Oh my god! Is this Dr. Dixit?" the attending doctor exclaimed, mirroring the panic that gripped my own heart.

Driven by sheer desperation, I urged the doctor with a sense of urgency, "Please do something. She's been shot!"

Frantically, the attending doctor barked out urgent instructions to his team. "Oh my god! Please report this to the police as per the protocol," he urged, his voice reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Tears pricked at my eyes as I pleaded with the doctor, the desperation in my voice laid bare for all to hear. "Doctor, we're from the army, and please save her! I'm begging you," I implored, my voice choked with emotion.

Without hesitation, the attending doctor sprang into action, issuing rapid-fire commands to his team. "Okay! Nurse, order a CT, CMP, MRI, Ultrasound, and let's get some blood work from the lab," he ordered, his urgency matching my own.

As Shivina was swiftly whisked away to the ICU, a wave of despair crashed over me. The news of her shooting spread like wildfire through the army, igniting a frenzy of worry and concern for Deshna and Arvin's safety.

Sharad's fury erupted like a tempest, directed squarely at me. "Rohan, this is the second time you've put her in danger, and she's in there because of you! If anything happens to her, I'm going to kill you!" he bellowed, his anger palpable.

I stood my ground, firm and resolute, attempting to restore order amid the chaos of the hospital. "Stop it, Sharad! This is a hospital. Behave yourself!" I admonished him, my voice unwavering despite the turmoil.

Our heated exchange was abruptly interrupted by a stern reprimand from another doctor on duty. "This is a hospital, and you're acting like children. Stop fighting like babies. There are other patients around here," the doctor scolded before swiftly departing.

Despite the tension between us, the shared concern for Shivina was evident in Sharad's eyes. As we awaited news of her condition, my heart pounded with fear for the woman I loved.

When the doctor finally emerged with grim news, my worst fears were realized. "She's bleeding and hemorrhaging. Her condition is getting worse. She needs more blood and needs to undergo surgery immediately," the doctor explained urgently, sending a shiver down my spine.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, my resolve to save Shivina burned brighter than ever. Despite the daunting obstacles in our path, I vowed to fight for her survival with every fiber of my being.

But just as despair threatened to overwhelm us, Abhi's intervention offered a glimmer of hope. "Hello doctor, I'm Abhi here! Is there any way to hold her off until we bring her to Kashmir?" he inquired urgently, his presence injecting a sense of urgency into the situation.

The doctor hesitated, caught between medical ethics and military orders. "Given her condition right now, I would advise performing surgery on her. It's extremely risky to bring her out because it might tear off her abdomen and lead to more bleeding. But since the army is demanding the patient to be brought away to Kashmir, we don't have a choice," he explained sadly, his expression mirroring the weight of the difficult decision we faced.

Desperation clawed at my insides as I pleaded with the doctor, my voice trembling with emotion. "Please, doctor! Please do something," I implored, the fear of losing Shivina weighing heavily on my heart.

The doctor's suggestion offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness threatening to engulf us. "Maybe an inner blood transfusion could help! But that can hold her off for three days," he suggested hopefully, his words igniting a spark of optimism in the depths of despair.

"Great! That'll do!" Abhi agreed, his relief palpable as we clung to this slender lifeline, determined to do whatever it took to keep Shivina alive for just a little while longer.

As Abhimanyu attempted to reassure me, I couldn't shake off the frustration bubbling within. "But how can you stand here and talk about protocols when she's fighting for her life?!" I questioned, my voice trembling with a mixture of frustration and desperation.

Abhimanyu nodded solemnly, his expression mirroring my concern. "I understand your frustration, Rohan, but we need to consider all aspects of the situation. The doctor believes we can buy some time until we reach Kashmir," he explained, trying to provide some semblance of hope amidst the chaos.

My mind raced with thoughts of you, unable to shake off the guilt that weighed heavily on my conscience. "She's in this state because of me for the second time. I can't afford to lose her like this!!!" I confessed, the weight of my words laden with regret and fear.

Abhi's intervention injected a glimmer of hope into the bleakness of the situation. "Ma'am, take the necessary measures to stabilize her. We have prepared the chopper to bring her," he urged, his words resonating with urgency.

Turning to the doctor, I pleaded once more, my desperation palpable. "Please, doctor! Please do something," I implored, my voice cracking with emotion as I fought to keep my composure.

The doctor's revelation about the shortage of O+ blood sparked a surge of determination within me. "Mine is O+. Can I donate her blood?" I asked eagerly, clinging onto any chance to make a difference.

As the doctor assessed my eligibility to donate blood, I responded without hesitation. "No doctor! No doctor. I'm perfectly healthy. what are you waiting for? Take all my blood if it's necessary!" My resolve was unwavering, fueled by the fierce determination to save you at any cost.

Despite Sharad's attempt to intervene, I remained steadfast in my determination to help you. And when my blood finally coursed through your veins, a fleeting sense of relief washed over me, though the shadow of uncertainty still loomed large.

In the aftermath of the surgery, my thoughts remained consumed by her, my heart heavy with worry as I waited for any sign of improvement in her condition.

"Rohan, please, just take a moment to breathe," Abhi urged, his voice tinged with concern. "We understand your worry, but rushing into the ICU won't help Shivina right now."

My fists clenched at my sides, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "But she needs me, Abhi! I can't just sit here and do nothing while she's fighting for her life," I argued, my voice trembling with emotion.

Papa placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his eyes reflecting my own anguish. "Rohan, we all want to be there for her, but we need to trust the doctors to do their job," he said softly, his words carrying the weight of experience.

Anisha stepped forward, her expression sympathetic. "Rohan, I know how much Shivina means to you, but you need to take care of yourself too," she said gently, her touch grounding me in the midst of my turmoil.

I nodded, acknowledging their concerns, but the need to see Shivina gnawed at me incessantly. "I know, but I can't just stand by and wait," I replied, my voice resolute. "I need to be with her, no matter what."

Abhi exchanged a worried glance with Papa before sighing deeply. "Okay, Rohan. I'll see what I can do to get you clearance to visit her," he relented, his expression pained as he realized the depth of my determination.

Relief flooded through me, tempered by the knowledge that seeing Shivina would bring its own set of challenges. But for now, all that mattered was being by her side, offering whatever comfort and support I could in her time of need.

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