Chapter 18

During lunchtime, someone rang the bell, and I went to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Abhi standing at the doorstep.

"Abhi, how are you?" I greeted him with a smile, stepping aside to let him in.

"Hey, Shivina! I'm good, thanks. How about you?" Abhi replied, stepping inside and removing his shoes.

As we made our way to the living room, Abhi glanced around. "So, how was the house? You like it?"

"Yeah, it's quite cozy here," I replied, gesturing around the room. "But the climate was hot. I prefer Kashmir's climate. But the rest was okay!"

Abhi chuckled, nodding in understanding. "Yeah, Mumbai can get pretty hot. But glad to hear you're settling in."

As we settled into the living room, Deshna entered, drying her hands on a kitchen towel. "And this is the one you told at the call?" I asked, introducing them. "Yeah, this is Deshna and Deshna, this is my brother, Abhi."

"Hello, nice meeting you!" Deshna greeted warmly, offering her hand to Abhi.

Abhi shook her hand with a smile. "Likewise, Deshna. Shivina has told me a lot about you."

Turning to me, Abhi asked, "How's Rohan? Is he good? I couldn't talk to him on the call. Is he mad at me?"

I shook my head. "Nope, he's not! He's just quite busy with the investigation! By the way, I'm here to bring you to the safe house where Rohan is now. He asked me to bring y'all."

Desnha nodded in agreement. "Okay, let me finish lunch, and then we'll move quickly."

"Alright, take your time," Abhi replied, settling onto the couch. "By the way, the file you forwarded to Rohan is quite a time-ticking bomb."

"What did you mean by that?" I was confused.

Following the 1993 attacks, Bilal Ahmed, who is the the masterminds of the bomb blasts, seeks refuge with the dreaded Riyaz Farooq as they begin planning more such attacks. Riyaz's brother, Umar Farooq has formed a network consisting of 40 terrorists who pose as Indians, aiming to conduct more bombings after the 26/11 attacks. Away in Jaisalmer, Rohan and his team nab Riyaz's son who was hiding his identity.
Joint CP and Rohan's senior officer Kabir Shroff, who was the only person able to fully solve the case, reveals that about a full ton was brought to India, of which 400 kgs were used during the 1993 bombings and the remaining 600 kgs are still buried somewhere in the country. Rohan, who is now the chief person to handle the case, plans to catch the sleeper cell's remaining members.
A series of Investigations leads Rohan to come across a named Kader Usmani, revealed to be a terrorist and an aide of Bilal. Usmani meets Bilal, whose residence houses the wanted 600 kgs of RDX. They remove the buried RDX and prepare for the next bombings. Bilal reached with the help of taxi driver John Mascarenhas who left. Rohan catches Bilal, who confesses that he undertook the bombings as an act of vengeance for his family being killed. He shoots himself to death.

"So, did they find out anything?" I inquired, my tone laced with concern.

"We found out the place they're going to place the bomb, thanks to the file you forwarded. But we don't know where exactly they're planting the bombs or how they're going to do it. But Rohan says that he will investigate in a different route," Abhi explained, trying to keep his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

As we sat in the safe house, Abhi's presence brought a sense of security despite the looming threat. After Deshna finished her lunch, Abhi led us to the safe house where Arvin used to be held. Deshna's emotions overwhelmed her when she saw Arvin, rushing into his arms and enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"What are you doing? Did you forget that you're pregnant?" Arvin scolded Deshna gently, his concern evident in his tone, while Rohan and I shared a smile at their interaction.

"Oh god, I've been scared to hell that something might happen to you. I've been restless until the second I met you. Even in this situation, you're thinking about us?" Arvin confessed, his voice filled with emotion, as he held Deshna close.

"Yeah, you both are my priority, and I love you so much! See, these guys are treating me quite well, and I'm fine here! Now, you better take care of yourself and our baby," Deshna replied, her eyes shining with affection for Arvin.

"Arvin and Deshna! You both have to stay with my assistant, Ashvin here! That's for your safety purpose. I'm sorry that you had to go through this," Rohan explained, his voice carrying a mixture of apology and concern.

"It's okay, sir. We've got it, and thanks for bringing Deshna here to be with me," Arvin responded gratefully, his gratitude evident in his tone.

"Don't thank me but Shivina because she convinced me of your girlfriend's condition, and I thought during this special time, you should be with her," Rohan explained further, acknowledging Shivina's role in their reunion.

"Thank you so much!" Arvin expressed his gratitude sincerely, understanding the significance of being together during such challenging times.

They were brought together to another safe house considering their safety and future for the time being, while I was off to be with Abhi, who I consider my brother. I spent time with him, but deep inside, I was desperate to spend time with Rohan. My mind couldn't help but wonder, consumed by worry and thoughts of Rohan's safety.

"Cupcake, come with me!" Abhi's voice interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to the present.

He dropped me off at a house where an elderly lady greeted me warmly. Confusion washed over me as I tried to comprehend why Abhi had brought me here. Boredom gnawed at me as I waited for an explanation, while Abhi hinted at having found a breakthrough in locating the bomb sites.

John's apprehension in Kerala, after a tense chase involving Rohan, brought a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. The revelation about the bombs being manufactured by another sleeper cell member added a new layer of complexity to the situation.

Rohan's plan to feign torture on Usmani's daughters to extract a confession showcased his strategic brilliance in handling the dire circumstances. As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Usmani's revelation about the bomb planted at Rafique's residence shed light on the imminent danger lurking in unsuspecting places.

A sense of urgency gripped me as I realized the gravity of the situation. Despite the heavy police presence and the risks involved, I couldn't shake off the feeling of impending doom. Ignoring the restrictions imposed on me, I ventured out, determined to find Rohan and ensure his safety.

My instincts screamed of danger as I navigated through the bustling Mumbai Shopping Mall, oblivious to the fact that Rohan was also present, conducting his investigation. His keen observation skills led him to uncover suspicious activities within the mall, hinting at a larger threat looming over the city.

As chaos erupted within the mall, Rohan's suspicions were confirmed when terrorists, led by Riyaaz Farooq's brother, Umar Farooq, launched a violent attack, seizing control of the premises. Panic spread among the crowd as people scrambled for safety, but Rohan remained vigilant, scanning the faces around him.

Amid the turmoil, Rohan's gaze locked onto mine amid the sea of frightened faces, a brief moment of connection amidst the chaos.

As negotiations between the government and the terrorists faltered, Rohan recognized the urgency of the situation. With time running out and the threat escalating, he made the difficult decision to delegate part of the mission to Abhi, entrusting him with the crucial task of thwarting the bombings.

Abhi swiftly mobilized his team, enlisting the help needed to neutralize the bombs and prevent further bloodshed. Meanwhile, Rohan's concern for my safety weighed heavily on his mind, especially considering my unexpected appearance outside the safe house.

Using Morse code to communicate discreetly, Rohan conveyed his instructions to me, urging me to assist in executing his plan covertly. Despite the risks, I followed his orders, discreetly relaying his message to fellow hostages, ensuring their cooperation without alerting the terrorists.

As the plan unfolded, tensions reached a boiling point, and violence erupted within the mall. In a selfless act of bravery, I stepped in front of Rohan, shielding him from harm as bullets flew, sacrificing my safety to protect him.

Rohan's shock was palpable as he swiftly reacted, scooping me up in his arms and rushing me to safety. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he navigated through the chaos, determined to get me the medical attention I desperately needed.

The hospital doors loomed ahead, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of uncertainty. As Rohan carried me inside, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on both of us, our fates intertwined in the struggle against terror and the relentless pursuit of justice.

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