Chapter 16

While I was planning a simple get-together with my closest friends and relatives, I took out my diary and did some sketches as usual. Suddenly, words started to echo in my thoughts, and wrote this poem dedicating my unwavering love to my dearest Rohan.

I choose to love you in silence
For in silence, I find no rejection,
I choose to love you in loneliness
For in loneliness, no one owns you but me,
I choose to adore you from a distance
For distance will shield me from pain,
I choose to kiss you in the wind...
For the wind is gentler than my lips,
I choose to hold you in my dreams,
For in my dreams, you have no end.

The words showed me when a person falls in love, they can be a wonderful poet. Trust me! After admiring my words, I left my diary on the table which Rohan took a peek at.

As Rohan admired my sketches and poetry, he couldn't help but tease me a bit. "Cupcake, your works of art remind me a little bit of Van Gough and Pablo Picasso. But it was amazing and the last part of poetry was so good and it touched my heart."

Chuckling, I replied, "Oops! I forget my diary is on the table."

Rohan, with a sheepish grin, responded, "Sorry, I didn't know it was your diary; I thought it was a sketchbook."

"Thanks for your compliment anyway. Gotcha go to prepare for today's evening," I said, giving him a playful nudge before heading off to get ready for the gathering.

Dhivya was meticulously getting herself ready, and I couldn't help but admire her dedication to perfection. Meanwhile, Rohan, with his effortless charm, sported a tropical attire that perfectly complemented the vibe of the evening.

As guests started arriving with gifts in hand, Abhi called out to Shivina, "Shivina, can you come here?"

"One minute, Abhi," she replied, making her way over. "Yeah, what was it?"

Abhi's eyes lit up as he introduced someone special, "Remember I said I would introduce someone very special to me? She's the one! The love of my life, Ashwini!"

"Awww, so good you're here today. I'm Shivina; you can call me Shivi," Shivina greeted Ashwini warmly.

Ashwini smiled, returning the warmth, "It was nice meeting you! You're lively and vibrant, so alike Rohan."

Amidst the laughter and chatter, dinner was served. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as everyone praised my cooking. As the night progressed, the boys indulged in some canned drinks, while Ashwini and I found ourselves engrossed in conversations about the secrets of the boys' antics.

Eventually, as the night drew to a close and everyone bid their farewells, Dhivya, feeling exhausted, retired to rest.

Just as I was about to settle in for the night, my phone rang. It was Deshna, my colleague from Mumbai Hospital, urgently requesting my presence. With a sense of obligation, I knew I had to go, but Rohan had received a special mission and was already out.

"I have to go to Mumbai," I explained to Rohan as I hastily packed my things. "Deshna needs me."

Rohan, always supportive, nodded understandingly, "Take care. I'll handle things here."

With Dhivya under the care of my uncle, I headed off to Mumbai once again, unsure of what awaited me this time.

As I picked up the call from Deshna, her urgency was palpable. "Hi Deshna, what's going on?" I inquired, trying to gauge the situation.

"Can you help me with a favor?" Deshna's voice trembled slightly, hinting at the gravity of her request.

Concerned, I pressed for details. "What exactly happened? Temme everything!"

Deshna took a deep breath before revealing her predicament. "You know that I was in love with Arvin and now he's abandoned me. I'm pregnant with his child."

Shocked by the revelation, I couldn't help but express my concern. "Do you know what you've done? Did anyone know about this kid? When did you get to know about this?"

With a heavy sigh, Deshna admitted, "Two weeks ago, I got to know and I straight looked out for him."

"And....?" I prompted, eager to understand the full extent of the situation.

"When I visited his house, his housekeeper told me that he had been arrested by the military and gave me a letter. In that letter, he asked me to forget him and move on. I have no idea what's going on," Deshna explained, her voice trembling with emotion.

Frustration bubbled within me as I processed the information. "What fuck is going on? You've just got pregnant with his child and he's got arrested by the military people right before you go to his house?!"

Fear crept into Deshna's voice as she confided, "I can't go to my parent with this. They'll disown me!"

Desperate to help my friend in need, I reassured her, "What do you wanna me to do? Don't you dare ask me to bring you Kashmir! I'll call someone I know and ask about your boyfriend."

Deshna's relief was evident as she replied, "You know army people?!"

Nodding affirmatively, I pressed for more information. "What was his name?"

"Arvin Malhotra," Deshna responded, her voice trembling with anxiety.

Turning to Abhi, I asked for his assistance. "Abhi, did your people arrest a man named Arvin Malhotra, a young man?"

Abhi's confirmation was swift, "Yes, you've got it right. But, Arvin is the witness of the previous blast that happened and Rohan's taking charge of this case officially."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I sought reassurance. "Deshna, I'll arrange something for your betterment. Better tell your parents that you're with your friends and will be back after two weeks."

With Deshna and I now safe in a secluded location, I turned my attention to ensuring her well-being. "Deshna, you need to pack your things and come with me right now."

Confusion evident in her voice, Deshna questioned, "Where are you bringing me?"

With a gentle tone, I explained, "To a safer place for you and your unborn child."

As Deshna grappled with the sudden turn of events, I offered her reassurance. "You are the one who asked me to be here with you in the first place. Do you plan to kill yourself or what? Looks like, your boyfriend has got some shits on his hands and he's in safe hands."

Uncertainty lingered in Deshna's response as she queried, "Are we in some sort of danger?"

With a somber nod, I replied, "That depends on your boyfriend. Now, we gotta move."

Arriving at the safe house location, Deshna and I settled our things, preparing for the conversation ahead.

"How do you know that Arvin's safe?" Deshna questioned, her worry evident in her voice.

Drawing on my resources, I assured her, "I've got people and they've told me about him. You wanna see him?"

Deshna's eyes widened in surprise as she exclaimed, "Yeah, I'm carrying his child!"

"I don't know where he's being kept safe but I can try asking them," I responded, determined to provide Deshna with the answers she sought.

However, before we could delve further into the matter, a breaking news alert grabbed our attention, sending shockwaves through our already tumultuous night. Without hesitation, I reached for my phone, dialing the one person who might have answers amidst the chaos, Abhi bhaiya.

As I spoke with Abhi, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on my mind. "Abhi, we're at the safe house. I've just seen the news. Is that related to...?"

Abhi's response was swift, confirming my worst fears. "Yes, you've got it right. But, Arvin is the witness of the previous blast that happened and Rohan's taking charge of this case officially."

Feeling a sense of urgency, I pleaded with Abhi, "Abhi, she is hell-bent on meeting that guy. Could you do something?"

With a tone of caution, Abhi advised, "For now, it's better y'all to stay there. I'll tell Rohan."

Reluctantly, I accepted his advice, though concern for Deshna gnawed at my conscience. "No, it's okay! Let him do his job and I'll manage Deshna. Bye!"

As I hung up the call, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. With Rohan officially handling the case, I knew he would leave no stone unturned in his pursuit of justice. Yet, I couldn't help but worry about the dangers that lay ahead.

Rohan, known for his tactical prowess, had already initiated investigations into the recent bombing. With his team by his side, they meticulously combed through CCTV footage, searching for any clue that might lead them to the perpetrator.

Meanwhile, back at the safe house, Deshna and I found ourselves embroiled in a web of uncertainty. The missing drive, mentioned by Abhimanyu, suddenly took on new significance in light of recent events.

"Deshna, did Arvin give you some kinda drive to you or tell you where he kept it?" I asked, hoping for answers amidst the chaos.

Deshna's expression turned solemn as she nodded, "Yeah, but he said to not open it. He's been acting strange ever since he got this drive. Here you go!"

Accepting the drive with a sense of trepidation, I couldn't help but wonder about its contents. "Have you checked the drive?" I inquired, curiosity mingling with concern.

Shaking her head, Deshna admitted, "Nope, why are you asking for his drive?"

With a determined resolve, I replied, "Just do what I say for the next few days. I'll arrange something for your betterment. Better tell your parents that you're with your friends and will be back after two weeks."

As we settled in for the night, uncertainty loomed over us like a dark cloud. Little did we know, the events that would unfold in the coming days would test our resolve like never before.

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