Chapter 14

"Wow, that was an epic move you made, uncle!" I exclaimed, impressed by his story.

Uncle chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, well, love has a way of making us do extraordinary things, doesn't it?"

"Okay, time to sleep! Everyone's got work to do! Let's go to sleep," I announced, trying to divert the conversation to more practical matters.

But Dhivya, ever the curious one, piped up, "Uncle, how do we know our beloved person?"

"Night is known for its best for love. Think about the feeling you had for that particular person and see the moon. The moon will show your beloved person's face," Uncle replied, his voice conveying wisdom.

After hearing Azad's uncle's love story, I found myself immersed in thoughts of love and marriage. Curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to try Uncle's method. Gazing at the moon, I envisioned my beloved, and to my surprise, Rohan's face appeared in my mind's eye, bathed in the moonlight.

But despite the strange clarity of the vision, I couldn't bring myself to accept it fully. With a confused mind, I bid everyone good night and drifted off to sleep, pondering the mysteries of love under the watchful gaze of the moon.


I received a text message from Sharad. He was asking me to come to a certain place. When I went to the place, the place was decorated beautifully and romantic. Rohan followed me secretly there.

"Hey, Shivina," he greeted me, a nervous smile playing on his lips as he glanced around.

"Sharad, what's going on here?" I asked, my voice trembling with uncertainty as I surveyed the scene before me.

"Shivina, I've got a thing to say to you!" Sharad began, his expression earnest as he took a deep breath, clearly nervous.

"What was it? You're making me scared. Please make it fast! I'm dying of tension here," I urged, feeling the weight of anticipation building inside me.

"Shivina, let all my happiness be yours, all your sadness be mine. Let the whole world be yours; only you be mine! I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to," Sharad poured out his heart, his eyes pleading with sincerity. "All I dream of is holding your hand and never leaving it again. I love you with all my heart. Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Sharad, what nonsense are you telling? You're pulling a prank right?!" I exclaimed, feeling a mixture of disbelief and anxiety.

"Nope, I'm telling you the truth!" Sharad insisted, his voice wavering slightly as he awaited my response.

"Sorry Sharad, I've never thought of you in that way seriously. I thought we were good friends and we'd be better off that way," I explained gently, trying to soften the blow of rejection.

"No, I know you liked me too and you have said that to me many times directly. What's the problem? Temme, I'll sort it out for you!" Sharad pleaded, desperation creeping into his tone.

"Like and love are two entirely different things. Get that straight. I've said that I liked you and not love you. I've always seen you as a good friend and none other than that," I clarified, hoping to make him understand.

"Please, I can't live without you, Shivi. Please understand me and my love," Sharad implored, his eyes pleading for a chance.

"Okay Sharad, this madness has to stop here. For the first and last time, I didn't love you and only saw you as my good friend. And that friendship ends here itself. I'm leaving," I stated firmly, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation.

"All this happens because of Rohan. He influenced and changed you," Sharad accused, his frustration bubbling to the surface as he pointed an accusing finger in Rohan's direction.

"STOP IT SHARAD! I rejected you because of myself and no one influenced me, especially Rohan. Stop blaming him for everything," I retorted, frustration evident in my voice as I stood my ground.

"See, you're defending him!" Sharad accused, his tone tinged with bitterness.

"I'M NOT!!!" I exclaimed, my voice rising in exasperation at his persistent accusations.

"Temme one reason how he's better than me and I'll leave you be," Sharad challenged, desperation evident in his eyes as he searched for a way to change my mind.

"Okay, you know what? This is never gonna work. So, goodbye!" I declared my decision final as I turned to leave, unable to bear the weight of the conversation any longer.

"Then, why don't you answer my question?" Sharad called after me, his voice pleading for closure.

"Because I LOVE HIM UNTIL MY HEART BLEED! I LOVE ROHAN! Is that what you wanna hear?" I shouted back, the words pouring out of me before I could stop them, the truth ringing in the air with startling clarity.

"And in my eyes, HE'S THE PERFECT GUY IN EVERY GIRLS DREAMS!" I screamed out loud while tears welled in my eyes, the rawness of my emotions laid bare for all to see.

As I sobbed uncontrollably, my heart ached with the knowledge that Rohan would never love me in the way I desired, knowing he was duty-bound to protect me and Dhivya. Meanwhile, Rohan, who had been listening from a distance, was shocked by what he heard. My honest confession broke Sharad's heart, even though it wasn't what it seemed. My heart had made its choice, and it had chosen him.

Feeling a mix of emotions, I left the place and sought solace in my regular coffee spot, where I let out all my sorrows and unhappiness through my tears. It took a quiet moment for me to realize that I had been in love with Rohan all along.

Determined to face my feelings head-on, I decided to confide in Abhimanyu. So, with a heavy heart but a resolute mind, I sought him out to talk about my newfound realization.

"Hey Abhi! Busy now?" I knocked at his door, feeling a knot of nervousness tightening in my stomach.

Abhimanyu looked up from his desk, surprised to see me. "Hey Shivina, It's a rare sight to see you at my cabin. What you wanna talk about and whatever is it please don't talk about Sharad as he pissed me off," he said with a smirk, knowing all too well about the drama surrounding Sharad.

"I really wanna talk to you about that too. But there's something else that I wanna ask your opinion about. Would you care to throw some advice?" I began tentatively, hoping he'd be willing to lend an ear.

Abhimanyu leaned back in his chair, a curious expression on his face. "Yeah, go on!" he encouraged me, sensing the weight of my words.

"I have realized that I love Rohan but I'm quite afraid that he might not like it and avoid me forever. So, what do you think about this? Should I tell him how I feel about him or should I bury this in my heart?" I confessed, my heart pounding with apprehension.

"Wow, finally... the princess has met a beloved prince. I think you should confess to him and he might not reject it. What are you waiting for? Burying secrets will be a burden in the end. So, it's better to tell him," Abhimanyu advised, offering me a supportive smile.

"So, you think I should express my stand to him," I mused, feeling a surge of determination coursing through me.

"Yes!!!" Abhimanyu nodded emphatically, his eyes reflecting his unwavering belief in my decision.

"How should I tell him?" I asked, seeking guidance in navigating the delicate matter of confessing my feelings.

"That's something you should think on your own. I'm sorry!" Abhimanyu apologized, realizing the weight of the decision rested solely on my shoulders.

"It's my bad to ask the all-known love Professor, sorry! I'll think of something on my own," I replied with a chuckle, appreciating his honesty.

"You said that you wanna talk to me. Since you're gonna think of a way to tell your stand on your own. Why don't you talk about other things like Sharad?" Abhimanyu suggested, changing the subject to lighten the mood.

"You said that you don't wanna talk to him?!" I teased a hint of amusement in my voice.

"I'm on all ears, you either tell or scram!" Abhimanyu joked, his playful demeanor easing the tension in the room.

"Okey-okey! Sharad brought me to a place and proposed to me. Don't worry, I've rejected him! But, I feel like he was really sad about my decision. What should I do?" I asked, seeking Abhimanyu's wisdom on the matter.

"If you ask for my honest thoughts, I say you should leave him be. I don't think he loves you truly either. He'll find some girls to replace you. But, this is the first time, he's getting ever rejected... that made me feel relieved," Abhimanyu advised, his words laced with a hint of relief.

"Okay then, I'll make a move. I won't be disturbing you at your job. See you at dinner at the house," I said with a smile, feeling grateful for Abhimanyu's support and guidance.

"Roger that, ma'am!" Abhimanyu replied with a salute, his playful demeanor returning as he returned to his work.

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