Chapter 12

As Mr. Dixit departed, leaving an unsettling atmosphere, I couldn't shake the unease that settled over me like a heavy blanket. Memories I had long buried resurfaced, each one a specter from the past, threatening to engulf me in their darkness.

"I don't trust him," I muttered, suspicion dripping from every word as I watched him leave.

Retreating to the sanctuary of my room, I locked the door behind me, seeking solace in the solitude. But before I could even begin to process the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me, there was a soft knock at the door, followed by Rohan's gentle voice.

"Shivina, can you open the door?" he called out, concern evident in his tone.

"Just leave me alone!" I responded, my voice muffled by the closed door, though a part of me longed for his comforting presence.

But Rohan was nothing if not persistent. Without missing a beat, he skillfully used my hairpin to pick the lock, and before I knew it, he had joined me inside, his warm gaze a soothing balm to my troubled soul.

"I thought I made it pretty clear I wanted to be alone," I grumbled, though the corners of my lips twitched upwards despite myself.

"You did, but I've never been one to follow instructions," Rohan quipped with a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his response, his easygoing nature never fails to lighten the mood. With him by my side, the heavy weight that had settled over me seemed to lift ever so slightly, replaced by a sense of comfort and security.

"That man is your father, right?" Rohan's voice broke through the silence, his words soft yet probing as he voiced the question weighing on his mind.

I hesitated for a moment, taken aback by his perceptiveness. "How do you know?" I finally asked, curiosity piqued by his intuition.

Rohan shrugged nonchalantly, though his eyes sparkled with mischief. "Your face tells me everything. Besides, you looked more cute and lively in your childhood photo," he added with a playful grin, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere with his trademark humor.

Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't help but laugh at his comment, the tension in the room dissipating with each shared smile. With Rohan by my side, I felt a renewed sense of strength and determination, ready to confront the demons of my past head-on.

Little did I know, our journey was far from over. Just as I began to find my footing, my estranged father resurfaced, his presence casting a shadow over the fragile peace we had worked so hard to maintain.

I decided to sneak out of the hospital for a breath of fresh air, feeling suffocated by the sterile environment. The cool night air greeted me like an old friend as I wandered through the quiet streets, my mind still reeling from the encounter with my estranged father earlier that day.

"I know who you are and now you're following me back to the village. I faced tremendous humiliation because of you!" his accusing words rang in my ears, sending shivers down my spine as I recalled the intensity of his anger.

Heart pounding with fear, I resisted his attempts to drag me away, my desperate cries for help echoing through the empty streets. When I thought all hope was lost, Rohan appeared like a guardian angel, his presence a beacon of strength and reassurance.

"Noooooo! Help! help!" I cried out, relief flooding me as Rohan stepped in, his protective embrace pulling me away from the danger that loomed menacingly before us.

"He's not my father! He's a lunatic!" I interjected, clinging to Rohan's reassuring presence like a lifeline amidst the chaos that threatened to consume us.

Defeated and seething with rage, my father slinked away into the night, leaving behind a palpable sense of unease that lingered like a shadow in the darkness.

As the night enveloped us in its comforting embrace, Rohan's voice cut through the silence like a gentle breeze, offering solace amidst the turmoil that had consumed us.

"Wanna join me for a walk?" he suggested, his tone laced with determination and a hint of mischief.

Gratefully accepting his offer, we set off together, our footsteps echoing softly against the deserted streets. With Rohan by my side, I found the courage to confront my fears head-on, knowing that his unwavering support would always be there to guide me through the darkness.

After our walk, exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, and I sought refuge on the couch while Dhivya slept soundly in the room nearby. To my surprise, Rohan settled beside me, his comforting presence a soothing balm to my troubled soul.

In the darkness of the night, nightmares threatened to engulf me, but Rohan's steady voice and gentle touch served as a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding me back to reality with each reassuring word. With him by my side, I knew that together, we could weather any storm that came our way.


Abhimanyu's eyes twinkled mischievously as he leaned into Dhivya, a playful grin dancing on his lips. "Alright, Dhivya, hear me out. I've got a plan."

Dhivya's curiosity piqued, and she leaned forward eagerly. "I'm all ears, Abhi. What mischief are we getting into this time?"

"We're going to play matchmaker," Abhimanyu declared with a dramatic flourish, gesturing between Rohan and me.

Dhivya's eyes widened in surprise, then lit up with excitement. "Oh, I love it! Count me in! Let's make this happen!"

With Dhivya's enthusiastic agreement, our trio formed an unstoppable team, determined to unite our hearts despite any obstacles in our path.

Fast forward to Rohan's unexpected illness, and the hospital corridors buzzed with activity as we rallied around him. "Hey there, tough guy, looks like you've got a fever. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you," I reassured Rohan, flashing him a comforting smile as he groaned in discomfort.

"Careful, Shivina, don't catch his germs," Dhivya teased, brandishing a bottle of hand sanitizer with exaggerated flair.

Rohan chuckled weakly, his eyes crinkling with amusement despite his illness. "Thanks, but I think I'll survive."

Days passed, filled with laughter and banter as we nursed Rohan back to health. "You know, Rohan, you make a terrible patient," I teased, playfully poking him as he grimaced in mock indignation.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll remember that when you're the one stuck in bed," Rohan retorted with a smirk, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

But amidst the lighthearted moments, a poignant encounter with an elderly man served as a sobering reminder of the importance of family bonds. As I led him to Rohan, their tearful reunion tugged at my heartstrings, reaffirming the power of love and connection that bound us all together.

Sitting together in the quiet hospital room, surrounded by the warmth of togetherness, we shared stories and memories, marveling at the intricate tapestry of relationships that had woven us together.

"And there they go, off on their adventure," Dhivya remarked with a wistful smile as she bid us farewell, leaving Rohan and me to savor the precious moments of closeness we had discovered.

As I watched her departure, a profound sense of gratitude washed over me, filling my heart to the brim with love for the family we had become—a family forged not by blood, but by the bonds of friendship and the shared experiences that had shaped us into the people we were meant to be.

As I roamed the hospital corridors, my eyes caught sight of an elderly man, looking lost and bewildered. Prompted by empathy, I approached him with a warm smile.

"Hello sir, how can I assist you?" I greeted him kindly.

"Dear, do you know how to get to the army base?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Sure, uncle, I'll take you there. By the way, may I ask you something?" I inquired, curious about his story.

"Of course, dear," he replied, giving me a nod of encouragement.

"Can you share a bit about yourself?" I asked, hoping to unravel the mystery behind his presence here.

"Why not? Since you're offering your help!" he graciously agreed. "My name is Azad Prathap. I used to serve as a Major at the army base. Unfortunately, I lost my wife and daughter in a blast in Kashmir, and I was seriously injured. After being in a coma for years, I was brought to Bangalore for further treatment. Now, I'm searching for my son, the only survivor of that tragic incident."

"Oh, I see! You know, Uncle, you bear a striking resemblance to my friend's late father," I remarked, noticing the uncanny similarity.

"Really? What's his name?" he asked, intrigued by the coincidence.

"His name is Rohan Prathap, just like yours," I revealed, connecting the dots.

"My son?! Is he still alive?! You know my son?!" he exclaimed, disbelief mingled with hope in his eyes.

"Yes, uncle! We're housemates! It's no wonder you resemble the man in the photo. But don't worry, I'll bring him to you! Let's give him a surprise! Please wait here," I assured him, eager to reunite them.

"Okay, dear. I'll be waiting," he agreed, his voice quivering with emotion.

Excitedly, I went to find Rohan, brimming with excitement to give him a delightful surprise.


"Hey, cupcake! Why are you covering my eyes?" Rohan asked, his playful demeanor evident.

"Just for a nice and shocking surprise!" I teased, leading him along.

"Where are you taking me?" Rohan questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"Here we are! Tada!" I exclaimed as I revealed the surprise, eager to witness the heartfelt reunion.

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