Chapter 11

I was engrossed in my work when a familiar voice interrupted my concentration.

"Dr. Shivina, you're looking well!"

Looking up, I found my uncle standing at the doorway with a warm smile. "Thank you, Uncle. It's good to see you here. What brings you to my cabin?" I inquired, setting aside my work to greet him properly.

"Well, I wanted to check on my favorite child, of course," he replied, stepping inside.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Uncle," I quipped, a playful glint in my eyes.

"Good, then I'll remember that for next time," he retorted with a chuckle, settling into a nearby chair.

Our banter was interrupted by my inquiry about my younger sister, Dhivya.

"Uncle, how's Dhivya doing? Is she giving you a hard time?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"Oh, you know how she is, always full of energy. But we're managing just fine," he replied a hint of amusement in his tone.

"I hope she's not causing too much trouble for you," I teased.

"A little mischief here and there, but nothing I can't handle," he assured me.

"Dhivya's a handful, but she's got a good heart," I remarked fondly.

"Yes, she does. Reminds me a bit of you when you were her age," my uncle reminisced.

"Really? I was that much trouble?" I feigned innocence, earning a chuckle from my uncle.

"Well, let's just say you kept things interesting from what I heard from my sister, Vrinda." he admitted with a grin.

"Fair enough, Uncle," I conceded with a laugh.

Our lighthearted conversation took a more serious turn as my uncle broached the topic of marriage.

"Uncle, to be honest, in my mind, I'd never think about marriage. I have a responsibility and that is Dhivya. I just can't leave her alone and I will never get married until I find a guy who can accept my sister as his. Until then, please persuade Aunty, your wife!" I expressed earnestly.

My uncle nodded understandingly. "Yeah, I understand that. So, I'll try to persuade your masi, okay? But your mate's worry is valid too. Find a nice guy, quickly! Don't forget about the invitation. Bye!"

"Okay, uncle! Don't worry! I'll be there! See you soon! Bye!" I bid my uncle farewell, feeling grateful for his understanding and support.

As I promised my uncle, I attended the army appreciation ceremony, looking resplendent in a red Punjabi suit. All eyes were on me as I made my entrance, receiving compliments from colleagues and playful banter from friends.

"Wow, Shivina, you're stealing the show today!" one colleague teased, admiring my vibrant attire.

"Oh, you know me, always ready for the spotlight," I replied with a grin, reveling in the camaraderie of the occasion.

Amidst the excitement of the event, my heart swelled with pride as I witnessed Rohan's promotion to Major General and received my own Meritorious Service Medal for my bravery during the hijack.

As Rohan leaned over to whisper his pride and admiration, I couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for the support of my loved ones and the strength they gave me to face any challenge that came my way.

After Abhi's invitation, excitement bubbled within me for the upcoming party. As I made my way to the hospital, I couldn't help but wonder about the fun Abhi had in store for us.

"Hey Shivina, are you going to the hospital now?" Abhi's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Yes, is there anything I miss?" I replied, turning to face him.

"Nope, well, I've planned a small party at the base office. I want you to be there. There's gonna be a lot of fun. I hope you don't miss it!" Abhi's eyes twinkled with anticipation.

"I'll be there, Abhi bhaiya. Don't worry!" I assured him with a smile.

True to my word, I arrived at the party, adorned in an ocean blue chiffon saree, the color reminiscent of tranquil waters. Little did I know that Rohan would show up in a matching ocean blue suit. It was a delightful surprise that sparked gossip among our colleagues.

"Oh, look at them! Matching outfits! How adorable!" teased one of our colleagues, nudging another.

"It's like they planned it," remarked another mischievously, earning a playful swat from a nearby friend.

"It's just a coincidence, I swear!" I laughed, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks.

As the night unfolded, the party buzzed with energy. Laughter filled the air, mingling with the rhythmic beats of music. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself swept up in the festivities, dancing with Rohan under the shimmering lights.

"I didn't know you had some moves, Shivina!" Rohan teased, twirling me around on the dance floor.

"Well, you learn something new every day!" I replied, matching his playful banter.

As the evening wore on, conversations turned to plans for the upcoming holidays. Some eagerly shared their vacation destinations, while others simply reveled in the joy of the moment.

"Hey Shivina, can I ask you something?" Sharad's voice interrupted my reverie.

"Yes Sharad, what's it?" I turned towards him, curious.

"If you're okay, I'll drop you home," Sharad offered with a friendly smile.

"It's okay, Sharad. I'm gonna go there with Uncle! Thanks for asking, by the way." I replied, appreciating his concern.

Later, as I returned home with my uncle, I never expected to find my aunt and Dhivya there. Rohan had just arrived, and fatigue weighed heavily upon him. As we bid goodbye to my aunt and uncle, I felt a sense of contentment settle over me, grateful for the love and support of my family.

However, our tranquility was soon disrupted by an unexpected visitor. With Dhivya preparing for school and Rohan nursing a headache, I found myself facing an unwanted intrusion at our doorstep.

"Shivi, someone's ringing the bell! Can you answer it? I'm busy with my homework," Dhivya called out from the living room.

"Okey D!" I responded, masking my irritation as I approached the door.

"Wait a second! Have some patience and decency, man!" I muttered under my breath as I swung open the door, bracing myself for the unwelcome visitor standing before me.

"Alright, my name is Kalinath Dixit. I'm here looking for my long-lost daughter. I was told that you could help me."

"Ah, Mr. Dixit, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dr. Sharma. Please, have a seat. Let's see if I can assist you in any way."

As Mr. Dixit settled into the chair, he pulled out a faded photograph from his wallet, handing it to me with a hopeful expression.

"Here's a picture of my daughter from her childhood. I've been searching for her for years, and I heard she might be in this area. If you happen to

come across her or have any information, could you please give me a call? It would mean the world to me."

I took the photograph, studying it carefully. The young girl in the picture had a bright smile, her eyes full of innocence and curiosity. My heart went out to Mr. Dixit, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for his plight.

"Just wanted to ask you, how did your daughter get lost?"

Mr. Dixit's expression turned somber as he recounted the events that led to his daughter's disappearance.

"It was during a bustling temple festival in the summer. The crowds were thick, and in the chaos, she wandered off. Despite our frantic search efforts, we couldn't find her. It's been years since that day, and I've been searching ever since."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Alright, Mr. Dixit, I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I come across any information." I gave him a fake assurance smile.

I was determined never to return to that shithole.

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