Chapter 10

As chaos engulfed Pulwama Market, I rushed into the fray, gunfire echoing around me. "Stay close, Asha! We'll get through this," I shouted over the din, spotting her amidst the turmoil.

Asha nodded, her face pale with fear. "Thank you, Rohan! I don't know what we'd do without you!" she exclaimed, her gratitude evident in her voice.

Without hesitation, I sprang into action, pulling Asha and the young girl to safety. "Just keep moving! We need to get out of here," I urged, scanning the area for any remaining threats.

But just when it seemed we were safe, another threat emerged. A lone terrorist, fueled by desperation, aimed his weapon at me. Before I could react, Shivina leaped in front of me, shielding me from harm's way.

"Shivina, no!" I exclaimed, horror etched on my face as bullets pierced the air, finding their mark in her flesh. My heart stopped as I watched her fall, her sacrifice leaving me in shock.

Swiftly, I scooped her into my arms, her blood staining my uniform as I raced against time to get her the help she desperately needed. "Hang in there, Shivina. You're going to be okay," I whispered, desperation creeping into my voice as I navigated through the chaos.

In the hospital's frantic atmosphere, the urgency in the doctor's voice cut through the chaos. "We need O+ blood, and we need it now!" she declared, her tone urgent as she assessed Shivina's critical condition.

"What are you waiting for? C'mon!" I urged, rallying volunteers and leading the charge to the blood bank, praying for a miracle.

After I donated blood and Shivina underwent immediate surgery, her condition remained critical. Dhivya's tear-streaked face mirrored my own inner turmoil, her sobs a haunting melody in the sterile hospital room.

"Dhivya, she's a fighter. Shivina will pull through," I reassured her, though doubt gnawed at my own heart.

"Rohan, every time you handle a mission, someone's sure to get hurt," Sharad's angry voice cut through the tension, his frustration evident.

"Stop it, Sharad! This is a hospital. Behave yourself!" I retorted, trying to maintain composure amidst the rising tension.

Thankfully, Deepti's timely intervention diffused the tension, her reassuring words offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness. "We're doing everything we can for Shivina," she assured us, her calm demeanor a source of comfort.

"But despite the small signs of progress, I couldn't shake the fear gnawing at my heart. Hovering by Shivina's bedside, I whispered, "Please, Shivina, open your eyes," my voice choked with emotion.

As I applied the blessed offerings to her forehead and kissed her hands, a silent prayer escaped my lips, pleading for her recovery. Dhivya's silent grief weighed heavy on my soul, her pain a mirror of my own. And as Abhi's tearful gaze met mine, I knew that we were all united in our hope for Shivina's survival. In that moment, surrounded by loved ones, I found solace in the shared bond of family, a beacon of strength in the face of adversity.

After a few days, I regained consciousness to his and others' delight. Without delay, he ran to see me and hugged me (tearfully).

"Why did you put yourself in danger? Do you have any idea how scared I was and Divya was crying for you nonstop?" he exclaimed.

"I'm fine! (Wiping off his tears while he wiped my tears) nothing will happen to me when you guys are around me," I reassured.

"Don't joke around, okay? This is no laughing matter. From now on, you're grounded, and you're not allowed to return to the hospital until you've fully recovered; until I say you've recovered fully," he said firmly.

"Okay, duly noted," I replied.

As we settled into the room, Deepti came in and ushered everyone out as visiting hours were over and I needed rest. Rohan was gazing out the window lost in thought when Abhimanyu entered.

"Hey there, feeling better?" Abhimanyu asked, pulling up a chair beside me.

"Yeah, much better now. Thanks for asking," I replied with a faint smile.

"Good to hear. You really scared us all, you know," he said, shaking his head.

"I know, I'm sorry about that. Won't happen again," I promised solemnly.

Rohan turned from the window, a concerned look on his face. "We're just glad you're okay, man," he said, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks, guys. I'm lucky to have friends like you," I said, feeling grateful for their support.

Deepti popped her head back in, reminding us to keep the noise down for the other patients. We all nodded, settling into a quieter conversation as the evening stretched on.

Just then, the nurse entered with a tray of medicines and a teasing smile. "Here comes your daily dose of 'get well soon'," she joked, earning a chuckle from Abhimanyu.

"Ah, I think I'll pass on that one," I quipped back, trying to lighten the mood.

Rohan leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You sure? I heard they come with magical healing powers," he teased, earning a laugh from Deepti.

"I'll take my chances with rest and good company, thank you very much," I replied, playfully rolling my eyes.

The nurse chuckled and left us to our banter, and for a moment, everything felt normal again.

"To be honest, I'm the happiest person ever right now as Shivina's fine and you're in love. What do I need more than this?"

"C'mon Abhi, what are you telling? Me in love? No way?"

"You're, my boy. You're in love with Shivina. Shivina is not a bad choice either. I will support you!"


"Then, why did you accept to be her guardian, when others could do the job? Why are you helping her and Dhivya in the best possible ways you can? And just now, why are you feeling restless and in pain learning that she's in critical condition?"

"Abhi, don't sprout nonsense. She would never be in love with a guy like me. Besides, this is not gonna work for us."

"How do you know her taste better than sir who raised her? Why would she have taken the bullet for you? She could've warned you by shouting! Still, she willingly shed her blood for you! Think about all of this properly. She trusted you with her secrets. Why does she choose to tell you everything that she's been holding on to? Think about it properly!"

I was unable to answer any of the questions that were asked by Abhimanyu. I silenced myself.

"See, you couldn't answer any of this! This is called love, Rohan! You may take time to realize this, that's all. You guys are a perfect match. Don't miss her!"

After several minutes of talking, I started to realize that I was in love with her and rewound a past with her while Abhi was showing his full support for my love and told me that he would help me in every way.

"So Rohan, what have you decided?"

"I think I'm gonna do what you want. But now, let her heal first! She's ended up like this because of me in the first place itself. I'm just feeling guilty right now."

"Don't worry, she's fine right now. All you need to do is take very good care of her. By the way, remember that day when she fainted? She was perfectly fine until she got a call from her phone. She sounded tensed after the call and suddenly fainted. I think something's bothering her."

"Yeah, you were right. After we admitted her to the hospital, you went out to give us privacy. She cried to me saying that dreaming of a peaceful life is a sin. She's having troubles which I already know but I promise to tell you some time as I need to settle things."

"Yeah, got it."

After our talk, it was nearing night. I took care of Dhivya and Shivina. Dhivya was super tired, so was I. Pity me as I was taking care of them while running to the base. I was missing my home, feeling homesick. Army life is tough but still bearable though.

Just then, as I was checking on Shivina, Dhivya piped up, "Hey Rohan, remember that time in boot camp when you accidentally set your bed on fire?"

Abhi chuckled, "Oh yeah, that was quite the sight! Flames everywhere and Rohan running around like a headless chicken!"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah, very funny. But at least I learned how to put out a fire properly after that!"

As we shared laughter and memories, the weight of the day seemed to lift off our shoulders, if only for a moment.

A few days later, I was discharged from the hospital and I realized that I should be at the hospital as a surgeon, not as a patient; it became quite the puking stay for me. Rohan took us home where Uncle and Aunt were eagerly anticipating our arrival. Aunt immediately set to work, clearing off any evil eyes she suspected might be lingering around, while I couldn't wait to sink into the comfort of my own bed after days away.

As we settled into home life, Rohan and Dhivya took charge of all the house chores, treating me like royalty. It felt amazing to be pampered, but I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt as I watched them bustle around while I lay there, unable to do much without feeling a sharp pang of pain.

"Owww, damn it hurts!"

"Why the hell are you moving? Which part of 'take rest' didn't you understand?" Dhivya scolded me, hands on her hips.

"Dhivya, I just wanna help you guys."

"Well, help yourself first!"

"Wait, why are you getting mad at me, Dhivya? What did I do?"

"Well, who the hell asked you to go to the market and nearly get yourself killed? What would've happened to me?"

"C'mon D, I'm perfectly fine and safely landed at home. Why aren't you saying anything, Rohan?" I glanced over at Rohan, seeking support.

"I'm so sorry, cupcake! I wish to help you, but I shouldn't meddle in sissy business. But she did make a point, by the way."

"Seriously! Okay, fine. I went to the market to buy some groceries, and at my worst time, I got my ass whipped in a tense hostage situation. I never wanted you to die in front of my eyes, to jump in front of you, and boom, here I am now!"

"Okay, just forget about it! Dhivya, we have cooking to do, and would rather help than silly fight with a patient," Rohan intervened, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Yeah, Rohan, you're right."

Just then, Uncle appeared, sensing the brewing storm in the house. He signaled to Rohan that he wanted to speak to him alone, leaving Dhivya and me to exchange sheepish glances, realizing we may have overreacted a bit.

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