Chapter 6

"Looks like you slept soundly after staying up late at night. That's odd! You rarely even glanced at women, including Anisha. But you were talking to Shivina until late at night. What's wrong with the girl?"

"Nothing's wrong with her, so don't assume things. Yeah, that's right! I slept peacefully without any burden on my heart after ages. Shouldn't you be sleeping at night? Why were you peeking at us? Shouldn't you have let us have some privacy? By the way, did you hear everything we spoke about?"

"Whoa! Privacy? You wanted to talk to her?! OMG! Finally, you're taking an interest in girls. Looks like she fascinated you!"

"Stop eavesdropping, dude! It's super cheap! Don't jump to conclusions!"

"Relax! Relax! I didn't hear what you all were talking about because I'm a decent guy. But I did peek at you both."

"If you keep doing this, I'm afraid I'll have to kick you out!"

"Alright, I'll give you space! Okay! So, is she single?"

"She's still S-I-N-G-L-E! Single!"

"Who's Cupcake? Is her nickname Cupcake? Oh my god!"

"Why? Do you find my pet name weird or interesting? But she said she'd love that name. She said it was sweet, charming-perfect!"

"No! It's not like your precious name was odd. Interestingly, you never give nicknames to anyone, let alone to the closest person you've had till today. You even speak so formally, bro, let alone give cute nicknames to girls! Since Shivina said your nickname was absolutely fine, then there's no appeal. I'm delighted that you both get along very well."

"By the way, speaking of nicknames, do you guys remember the crazy nicknames we used to come up with in school?"

"Oh yeah! Like 'Spaghetti Brain' for that one forgetful friend!"

"And 'Disco Potato' for that friend who couldn't dance to save their life!"

"Haha! Good times, good times. We should start giving each other nicknames again."

He has his wishes in his mind. After both of them conducted their talks in the bathroom like a lovey-dovey couple, they left the place and went to their respective compartments, where I was waiting for him. To shock Rohan, I asked him to take his garment up to check his wounds, but he had other thoughts, so he refused to take his shirt up.

"Don't worry! I'm not going to look at your body or kiss your abs. I just want to check your wounds for dressing. Hence, relax!"

After the morning routine, including breakfast, everyone was fully prepared for their following plan of Sharad. Truth or Dare. Everyone was playing the game so happily and excitedly as terrible dares and private affairs were getting spilled. That's how Sharad's secrets got spilled by Yash accidentally when he chose to dare and was given a dare to tell his best friend two secrets he doesn't know about others.

The first secret about Sharad was that he was a freaking lover boy, a playboy, I suppose! He even told me that he tried to flirt with me and that I was the next target to be Sharad's girlfriend. Everyone laughed at this statement as I made my stand that I would never reciprocate any feelings and accept any proposal from him. Sharad kinda felt sad when I made my stance clear.

The second truth about Sharad was he was jealous of Rohan for Rohan's outstanding performances.

My phone buzzed with a notification, drawing my attention to the screen. It was a message from my senior, urging me to contact the office immediately.

"Good afternoon, sir. Is there any development with the interrogation? Have we uncovered any leads? What's the latest?"

"Rohan, the interrogation is intensifying. Faruq has hinted at speaking up, but he's making demands. We're doing our best to meet them. Let's hope for the best."

"What kind of demands is he making? Is he pushing for Ilyasi's release?"

"No, Faruq's requests are different. He's pleading for the army's assistance in rescuing his sick son and mother, held captive by Ilyasi's men. Additionally, he's provided intel on sleeper cells' whereabouts. Thanks to your efforts, we're making progress."

"Thank goodness! So, Faruq's motivations were driven by familial concern, not loyalty?"

"Yes, exactly. The army has successfully retrieved Faruq's son and mother. They're currently receiving medical care at an army hospital. I wanted to inform you and check on your well-being."

"I'm doing alright, sir. I've encountered a surgeon here who's en route to Kashmir Army Hospital. She's recommended hospitalization for further treatment."

After games and other stuff, the train shortly announced that it would reach Jammu in an hour. So, I hurried to pack mine and Dhivya's stuff while giving Rohan a hand. Suddenly, I tripped over Dhivya's Rubik's Cube and winced, clutching my waist.

"Ouch!" I grimaced, trying to regain my balance.

"Careful there!" Rohan chuckled, reaching out to steady me. Even in his crisp white shirt, he looked incredibly attractive. I found myself lost in his mesmerizing olive-green eyes.

"Are you okay?!" He asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, just a little stumble. I'm fine," I replied, shaking off the embarrassment. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to barrel into you."

As the train pulled into Jammu, a wave of relief washed over me. Finally, I could be at peace without all those toxic people in my life.

"Thank goodness, we're almost there," I muttered to myself, a sense of freedom creeping in.

Once off the train, Dhivya and I began searching for our uncle. Spotting him waiting outside the station with his iconic army jeep, we raced towards him.

"Uncle!" Dhivya exclaimed, beating me to the first hug, as usual.

"You two and your contests," I teased, catching up to them. "I swear, I'll win one of these days."

Uncle invited everyone to the house. Dhivya, Rohan, and I hopped into my uncle's car while the others followed in Yash's car.

"Hey, Uncle, mind if we make a quick stop at the army hospital? Got a friend who needs some medical attention," I requested.

"Haha! Always an adventure with you, Shivina," Uncle chuckled, turning the car towards the hospital.

"Hey, Rohan, looks like you're gonna get that injury checked out after all!" Uncle teased, nudging him playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Rohan retorted with a grin, pretending to be annoyed.

Uncle teased him again before bringing him to the hospital. During the ride, Uncle informed me about his unofficial order to Rohan for our safety. However, I assured him that I could manage myself and Dhivya well.

"Don't worry, Uncle. We'll be fine," I reassured him, exchanging a knowing look with Dhivya.

After Rohan was admitted, I immediately checked on him and arranged for surgery. It would take at least two weeks for him to heal, but knowing him, he wouldn't stay still.

"You better behave yourself and rest, Rohan," I warned him, wagging a finger playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you, Doc," Rohan replied, rolling his eyes with a smirk.

After the surgery, I called my uncle and asked him to grant Rohan a medical leave so he could recover properly. I knew he'd be slightly annoyed at not being able to work in the army, but it was necessary for his health.

"Lemme guess, you asked Sir to grant me leave, didn't you?" Rohan frowned when I presented him with the leave certificate.

"Hey, your health comes first, soldier," I replied with a grin, offering him the certificate.

"Staying at home is better than being confined to a hospital," he quipped, smirking back at me.

As I settled in for the night with Rohan, Dhivya hesitated, glancing between us.

"Hey, Shivina, I could stay with him too, you know?" Dhivya offered, concern evident in her eyes.

"Nah, you go on ahead. Someone's gotta keep him company, and I'm not sure the nurses can match my banter," I replied with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

"But Shivina, you haven't been to Kashmir in ages. You should spend some time with your family. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," Rohan chimed in, trying to convince me.

"Are you trying to chase me out?" I teased, raising an eyebrow at him.

Rohan chuckled, shaking his head. "No, I'm not chasing you out. Just want you to enjoy your time here."

"Okay sir, Body on the bed mister!" I playfully glared at him.

"Well, the medications did help with the pain. Thank you for cooking me that amazing meal," Rohan interjected, grateful for the distraction.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Rohan grinned mischievously. "I have my ways. Heard the nurses gossiping around."

After ensuring Rohan was comfortable, I left with Abhi, who was waiting to drive me back to my uncle's house.

"Uncle! Dhivya! How's everyone?" I greeted them as I entered the house, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging.

"We're doing fine, Shivina. So, how's Rohan? Is he doing better?" Uncle inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"He still needs a few weeks of rest at home. The doctors have put him on medical leave," I informed them.

Mrs. Bheem greeted me with warm Kashmiri tea, a comforting gesture that instantly lifted my spirits. After a while, I spotted Shubhum and Angad. Angad greeted me warmly, his demeanor kind and welcoming.

"Shubhum... Still chasing after girls, I see?" I teased, unable to resist poking fun at him.

Shubhum laughed, a twinkle in his eye. "I've changed, Shivina. Now I'm focused on my father's business. And as for the girls, well, they seem to like me just fine!"

Trying to keep the conversation light, I replied, "Okay, I guess!"

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by Shubhum's flirtatious banter, I scanned the room for an escape, and to my relief, Abhi came to my rescue.

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