Chapter 5

Now the officer threatens him to marry my mother or else he will lodge the charges. With no options at his hands, my father forcibly married my mom. People say an expectant woman should be satisfied all the time; the husband should keep her happy. But my mom wasn't happy thanks to my father who was repeatedly torturing her. My father not only raped her but also brutalizes them so badly. One day, my mother had her labor pain, and she delivered me and my baby sister who was born deadly.

That was the day my father unleashed his wrath on my mother's family, grandma, grandpa, and uncle by executing them without sparing a two-year-old baby to avenge the humiliation. In my village, a mother died delivering the baby, the baby will be seen as an unfortunate being. Therefore, nobody regarded my face and fled the place. It was the maid who took care of me until the day I ran from my village. After I had been born, my father didn't bother to cherish me like he had forgotten my existence.

But he cared for my brother and I didn't yearn for his love as the maid was giving love to the fullest me. But the thing he didn't forget was to ill-treat me. I remain the first girl in the village to attend school. At the school, I confronted a remarkable teacher identified as Ms.Brinda. She was one of those who tended to me at school. With her, I forget all the troubles in my life. Unable to withstand the abuse by my father, I tried to run away. But every time, I tried doing that, I always got caught. My father's abuses increased progressively.
One day, he suffers from some financial problems. To resolve that, he disposed of me to an influential man who was operating a lodge. That was the day I ultimately got to run away. I was like a bird, flying happily without any fears. I straight repeatedly ran to my school with my belongings. Luckily, Brinda miss was there at school. I informed her of everything that happened. She insisted on making a police report. but I restrained her and explained to her how influential a man he is, I mean my father.
After that, Brinda missed knowing that nobody in that village would constantly go against him. Hence, to ensure my safety, Brinda miss accompanied me to Mumbai where I strive more diligently and become a leading student. I wrote letters to my dearest friend, Aisyah. After a few years, Brinda miss passed away due brain tumor. Her death shocked me to the core. Once more I became an orphan and that's where Brinda's missed brother, Bheem's uncle was the one who took care of me and I consider him my father.

I regarded him as my father as my real dad didn't perform anything. He frequently comes to Mumbai. Thanks to his support, I enrolled in an outstanding medical school to pursue my dream. After so many years, I wanted to go to my village to follow the maid who hoisted me as her own. I wrote a letter to Aisyah that I was coming back too in disguise as a Muslim woman as my father and brother would still identify me after ages and please allow me to stay at your house. I went to my hometown again after years.
Aisyah's family greeted me happily and also enabled me to enjoy a temporary stay there. Aisyah's family constantly delivers biryani to my family on occasion. That day, I think it was my brother's birthday. Seizing that chance, I stepped inside my house after so long. I sought the maid but only to know that she had been assassinated by my father. I was raging mad. Along with the maid's death news, I also get to know that my brother's been in love with a girl from a neighboring village and forced her to be in marriage whereas she expressed no interest at all.
When I saw my sister-in-law, she was like eight to nine months. One day, she got labor pain and was screaming like hell. The maid, Mala aided her at the right time. My brother went out for some dealings. She gave birth to a delightful petite girl. She was so adorable. But the moment she was born, my sister-in-law ordered the maid to execute or throw away the baby somewhere else where nobody could find it. I didn't know why she didn't want the baby.

She hated the infant so much that she was so desperate that she offered money to the maid for that heinous job. Since the maid comes from poverty, she also accepts the money and readily prevents the baby by providing it with some kinda poison. Luckily, I was there at the right time and prevented her from doing such a grave sin. I acknowledge the maid's situation. I told the maid to not tell her of anything that happened between us and also asked her to maintain the story as she already killed the infant and did the job for pay.
Knowing that staying there for a long time will put both of us in danger, myself and Dhivya. Therefore, I decided to go back to Mumbai with that baby and that baby's name is Dhivya. Uncle Bheem was the one who selected her name and it was modern at the same time traditional. I am appreciative of my uncle. If it were not for him, I wouldn't be able to raise Dhivya to this level. He supported me every time, especially whenever I needed them at the right time.

On that occasion, after years, I saw my brother at Mumbai Shopping, standing right next to me; he was doing some grocery shopping. I hastily covered up my face with a shawl. I was worried that he would find out about Dhivya and me. I was afraid that he would bring us to that same bloody village that I never wanted to visit again after the maid's death. It was my good luck that he didn't recognize me or else he would drag me to that bloody village. I don't know if my brother's character is similar to my dad's or not.

But seriously, I don't want to see any of my family members. Not after what I've gone through! I'm so ashamed to call him my dad. He's a monster who doesn't deserve to be respected and to represent a father. I wished my family were gone. To be honest, I'm tired of running away. I wished one day I would cease fleeing and experience the peaceful life that I constantly wanted. And one day, hopefully, I will. I don't know why I am saying this to you but I feel like I could trust you with any matter and I also felt quite at peace inner myself.
I was worried I have to confront my past with my future one day which I don't want to do. This is a severe tension.

"Sorry to hear that," he responded, his expression filled with empathy. "No one deserves to endure such hardships, especially not at the hands of those who should provide love and protection."
I appreciated his understanding, feeling a sense of validation in his words. Finding someone who truly comprehended the depth of my struggles was rare.
"Thanks," I murmured, grateful for his support.
"But hey, look at us now," he continued, a hint of optimism in his voice. "We're both here, making our way in the world, despite the challenges we've faced. That's something to be proud of."
His words resonated with me, stirring a sense of resilience within. Despite our past traumas, we were both striving to carve out a better future for ourselves.
"You're right," I agreed, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "We've come a long way, and we're still standing. That's an achievement in itself."
As we shared a moment of quiet reflection, I felt a newfound sense of camaraderie between us. In Rohan, I had found not only a sympathetic ear but also a kindred spirit who understood the complexities of life. And for that, I was truly grateful.

As the moonlight bathed the surroundings in its silvery glow, there were echoes of distant screams, blending with the night's aroma, creating an ethereal atmosphere. Everything seemed veiled in a soft net of mystery, casting a dreamlike hue over the landscape.

"It's quite rare, you know," Rohan remarked, breaking the silence. "I've met many women in my life, but there's something about you that's truly captivating. You're an intriguing character, yet, at the same time, you're genuinely kind. You're on a different level of greatness."

I chuckled at his compliment. "Come on, Rohan! You're laying it on pretty thick. I can't handle too much flattery, so please, tone it down! And besides, I feel like you're someone I can share secrets with. There's just something about you that makes me feel like I can trust you with anything related to Dhivya and me."

Flattery overload!

As we conversed under the starry sky, our discussions ranged from profound to trivial, but we enjoyed each other's company nonetheless. The gentle dance of the willow tree in the breeze added to the enchanting atmosphere, symbolizing femininity and grace.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through, causing me to shiver. Rohan noticed and immediately offered me his brown leather jacket. At first, I hesitated, but he insisted, and I gratefully accepted the warmth it provided.

With the night passing peacefully yet sleeplessly, we eventually decided to return to our berth for some much-needed rest. As we settled in, exhaustion finally caught up with us, and we drifted off to sleep.

The following morning brought with it the gentle glow of the sun, signaling the start of a new day. Despite the initial grogginess, I followed my morning routine, while Rohan headed to the men's washroom with Abhimanyu for his routine.

It was a simple yet serene start to the day, filled with the promise of new adventures and shared moments ahead.

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