Chapter 3

"Thank you for saving me! You had a harsh time donating blood while taking care of me while I've been unconscious. I'm sorry for the trouble and also thank you a lot for saving me!"

My voice trembled slightly as I expressed my gratitude, my eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and appreciation. Rohan, the colonel who had rescued me, offered a reassuring smile in response, though the weariness in his eyes betrayed the physical toll the ordeal had taken on him.

"It's all right, Shivina," Rohan replied, his voice gentle yet firm. "Saving lives is what we do. No need for apologies."

I nodded, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the kindness and selflessness of this stranger who had come to my aid in my moment of need. It had been a harrowing experience, waking up to find myself injured and helpless, but Rohan's presence had provided a sense of reassurance and comfort.

As the train rattled on, Rohan's expression grew more serious as he addressed my condition.

"Okay sir, it's all right! But right now, you do need some rest and once we've reached Kashmir, you need to get hospitalized since the treatment I performed on you is gonna pull for temporary only. You shouldn't be carrying any lifts and weights. Don't strain yourself too much and this is the prescription. Please have this medication every day. Try to have light food without oil and spicy like porridge and please don't do workouts also. Please put them aside until these wounds heal well."

I outlined my post-rescue care instructions as Rohan listened attentively. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that I was in capable hands, even as my mind raced with thoughts of the journey ahead.

"Okey sure! I'll be careful and follow this prescription. Okay? Happy?" Rohan's tone was gentle yet authoritative as he sought my compliance with his instructions.

I offered a small smile in response, my gratitude evident in my eyes. "Yes, of course, Colonel Rohan. Thank you for everything."

As the conversation continued, I couldn't help but notice a playful glint in Rohan's eyes as he teased me about my earlier embarrassment.

The man who woke just now mocked me which brought a cute smile to my face. I guess it's been long since I smiled."

"Hey, you looked really cute when you smile like that." Rohan's compliment caught me off guard, causing my cheeks to flush crimson with embarrassment.

I glanced away, unable to meet Rohan's gaze, but the warmth of his words lingered in my mind, filling me with a sense of warmth and happiness.

Despite the seriousness of our situation, there was a lightheartedness to our interaction that I found both comforting and endearing. It was as if, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, we had found a moment of respite, a chance to share a smile and forget our troubles, if only for a moment.

As the train journeyed on, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the stranger who had come to my aid, and a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of human connection. And as I sat there, surrounded by newfound friends and allies, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I would face them with courage and resilience, buoyed by the support of those around me.

"Hello! Is it painful? Does it hurt? By the way, I'm Dhivya here and you must be ..." Dhivya inquired, her curiosity piqued as she observed Rohan.

"Hi! I'm sorry I was having some water. By the way, I'm Rohan Prathap. Nice to meet you, young lady. I'm fine, thanks to her! It's not that painful," Rohan replied with a warm smile, gesturing towards the nurse attending to him.

Dhivya chuckled, "Well, that's a relief to hear. But seriously, what happened to you?"

Rohan shrugged lightly, "Oh, just a little skirmish while on duty. Occupational hazard, I suppose."

"Occupational hazard? Wow, you must have some exciting stories to tell!" Dhivya exclaimed, her eyes widening with interest.

Rohan nodded, a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. "You could say that. But enough about me. What about you, Dhivya? What brings you here?"

Dhivya grinned, leaning in conspiratorially. "Well, I'm off to Kashmir with my sister, the one over-protective sister on earth, Shivina"


"By the way, Rohan! You looked so handsome even though your face looks bad with the bandage and all."

"Okay, that is all for the Q&A session. Now Dhivya, let him have some rest! Will you?"

One train journey that might be the answer for everything that I might be looking for.

But he was looking at me and admiring my every single move. Abhimanyu and Sharad saw his actions toward me which made Abhimanyu quite happy and curious while Sharad was burning with jealousy. He was burning. Later, Rohan started his conversation with me.

"I'm Rohan Prathap. Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Shivina, Nice to meet you too."

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I've got a job offer being served at an army hospital as a chief surgeon. As for now, I'm sketching in my diary.

I felt so restless for the first time and I love that feeling.

It was practically midnight, and the night sky was picturesque. A black navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky was so clear could virtually see every crater. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw, surrounded by a delicate glow. The night sky was aglow with shimmering lights.

I looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity through the train window. The intermittent sound of a dynamic train disturbed the silence of the night. Before long, I went back to the back train where the door remained open allowing me to enjoy the cool breeze air. Rohan, Sharad, and also Abhimanyu observed that.

Rohan followed me to the back of the train which puzzled Sharad while Abhimanyu understood he went looking for me and saw me standing near the wide-open door. A refreshing breeze touched my cheeks and neck, and whistled softly, blowing gently through my hair. That gave me some kinda of peace in my heart.

The sky was a deep, clear blue, and the moonlight reflected on the back window of the train. The breeze touched the warmth of my cheeks. The flower that was kept there moved as if caught in a breeze, not an earthquake. He was admiring me and no one was there which was extremely nice.

I know he was.

That was the very first-time people admired me.

It was a positive sight.

"May I join you? I was feeling quite dull there as your sister fell sleeping no one to talk to on this delightful night, to be honest. You love looking at the sky, especially at night because that time was much more beautiful. Aren't I?"

That is a brilliant way for a man to converse with a girl without getting awkward. Abhimanyu was looking at both of them hidden as he was loving them together.

"I thought you were sleeping and getting the rest you needed. Still amused that you're here and you are right bout one thing. I love seeing the sky as it's always been my habit. Whenever I was feeling down, alone, scared, and emotional, these skies were the ones there for me and gave me hope which is why I relish them a lot.

"Yeah, well, I should be taking rest but I couldn't fall asleep at night as I have insomnia.

"I guess then we could keep company for each other."

"Yeah, I suppose. You were the one humming to me right? It was sweet."

"Well, your friends had pretty much company while you didn't. So, I hummed you so that you can have good dreams when you're sleeping.

"How can humming give good dreams? Who said that?

"Neelam ma'am said that and I didn't know if the fact was true or not but looking at you, I know that you enjoyed the humming and slept peacefully right?

"You know what? I think I'mma call you cupcake from now on."

"Cupcake? Why cupcake?"

"Well, I've seen you eating cupcakes a lot and you seemed to love them a lot."

Something attracted Rohan to me in some way that he didn't get to realize.

"The cupcake is nice and cute. Others will call me Shivi while only you will call me 'cupcake' since you're the one who gave me that name."

"Okay then, cupcake!"

"Well, you could've worked at another hospital but why did you choose to work at the army hospital?"

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